12th IDC Helsinki 2012

12th International Docomomo Conference Helsinki 2012 August 8 – August 10 International docomomoCoference 2012‘From Coffe Cup to GeneralPlan’, Espoo, Finland

11th IDC Mexico City 2010

11th International Docomomo Conference Mexico City 2010 Living in the Urban ModernityThe rapid growth of urban areas from cities to metropolis in the twentieth century created a favorable environment for establishing a discourse on modern architecture. The advancement of technology and the introduction of new materials, which brought about new forms of expression, were not… Continue reading 11th IDC Mexico City 2010

Student Workshop Rotterdam 2008

Student Workshop Rotterdam 2008 13 September – 19 September Master’s students and PhD students of architecture, urbanismand historic preservation from fifteen countries worldwide participated in a workshop on the theme of the 10th International DOCOMOMO Congress: The Challenge of Change – dealing with the legacy of the Modern Movement. The aim of the workshop was… Continue reading Student Workshop Rotterdam 2008

10th IDC Rotterdam 2008

The 10th International Docomomo Conference was organised by Docomomo Netherlands and took place in September 2008.

The programme of the 2008 International Docomomo Conference included paper, case study and poster presentations. In addition, it contained Round-table Sessions – interactive discussion and debate meetings in small groups – and hosted the second edition of the International Docomomo Student Workshop.

Student Workshop Istanbul

Student Workshop Istanbul 2006 18 September- 25 September “How to Preserve a Housing Utopia: The Documentation and Sustainability of Modern Heritage, Case Study: Ataköy – Istanbul” DOCOMOMO_Turkey hosted the first International DOCOMOMO Workshop in connection with the IXth International DOCOMOMO Conference, organized in Ataköy – Istanbul prior to the main event. Ataköy wasselected for its… Continue reading Student Workshop Istanbul

9th IDC Ankara 2006

9th International Docomomo Conference Ankara 2006 “Other” Modernisms The conference proceeded from the consensus that the mainstream historiographic construction of twentieth-century modernism through its canonic texts and buildings has marginalized or suppressed some modern trajectories, which are now gaining an unprecedented legitimacy as the subject matter of revisionist histories. Today the exclusive, totalizing and teleological… Continue reading 9th IDC Ankara 2006

7th IDC Paris 2002