23rd Docomomo Germany Conference

23rd Docomomo Germany Conference On the 29th of March the 23rd Docomomo Germany conference will take place. The conference theme is the interaction between education, training and the architecture of the modern movement. Guests from Germany and abroad with academic, practical, activist and, of course, pedagogical backgrounds will provide an overview of the current status… Continue reading 23rd Docomomo Germany Conference

DOCOMOMO Journal 2024

Accomplishments of DOCOMOMO Journal in 2024 DOCOMOMO International managed to produce another two thematic issues of DOCOMOMO Journal in 2024 and next to those, a yearly OPEN issue was started. In total 37 submissions (including editorials, book reviews, etc.) were published! DJ #70 with the title “From Constructivism to Modernism in Kharkiv” was published in… Continue reading DOCOMOMO Journal 2024

Student Workshop in Santiago #3

Workshop at full speed! Wessel de Jonge kicked of the third day of the DOCOMOMO International Student Workshop with a lecture on a research based design approach for heritage. The day programme ended with a lecture by All in view of Modern Futures: Sustainable development and cultural diversity Read Workshop Santiago #1 here!Read Workshop Santiago… Continue reading Student Workshop in Santiago #3

Highlights from 18th IDC in Chile

Highlights from the 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference The 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference is now officially over, and we think back fondly to the inspiring weeks of the Student Workshop and the Conference itself. We are immensely grateful to the the hosting Chapter – DOCOMOMO Chile, host institution – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and the… Continue reading Highlights from 18th IDC in Chile

Opening of the 18th IDC in Santiago

Opening ceremony of the 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference in Santiago The opening ceremony of the 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference “Modern Futures: Sustainable Development and Cultural Diversity” took place on the evening of 10 December at the Casa Central of the Universidad Catolica. Among the distinguished guests were the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Design… Continue reading Opening of the 18th IDC in Santiago

Student Workshop Santiago #2

Analysis phase started! The second day of the DOCOMOMO International Student Workshop started with a lecture by Claudio Vasquez on facades. After the lecture, all groups of students met with the tutors and started the work on the selected housing complexes:– UNIDAD VECINAL PORTALES– OLYMPIC VILLA– VILLA FREI– UNIDAD VECINAL PROVIDENCIA– VILLA LOS JARDINES In… Continue reading Student Workshop Santiago #2

Workshop Santiago #1

Student workshop in Santiago Kicked off! Tuesday December 4th, 2024, the DOCOMOMO International studentworkshop in connection with the 18th DOCOMOMO International Conference kicked off at The Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in Santiago. Several days ahead to study Modern Housing Neighborhoods and discuss their future! The first day was filled with introduction lectures and a… Continue reading Workshop Santiago #1

Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists book

New book – Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists (Ana Tostões, Zara Ferreira, editors) is the first Docomomo Portugal publication, representing the result of the joint Docomomo Portugal and the Docomomo International Specialist Committee on Interior Design (ISC/ID) conference with the same name held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation on… Continue reading Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists book

ETOM Neb-Lab Conference “Modern Housing postwar”

Modern Housing postwar – Cities of Tomorrow? 14–15 Oct 2024International Conference in Halle (Saale) More information and registration: https://triennale-der-moderne.de/2022/60-years-halle-neustadt/ An European Triennial of Modernism (ETOM) NEB milestone project carried out as an “ETOM NEB-Lab” conference, within the framework of the “New  European Bauhaus”, in the context of Central Europe, with a special focus on the… Continue reading ETOM Neb-Lab Conference “Modern Housing postwar”

Heritage in Danger – Ataköy Phases I-II

Petition to preserve Ataköy Phases I-II as modern architectural heritage Docomomo Turkey, together with Docomomo International, ICOMOS Turkey 20th Century Heritage National Scientific Committee, Iconic Houses, KORDER Conservation and Restoration Specialists’ Association, and Ataköy Phase I Conservation and Beautification Association, has started a petition with the aim to preserve Ataköy Phases I-II in Bakırköy, Istanbul,… Continue reading Heritage in Danger – Ataköy Phases I-II