SHA – Rediscovering Masterpieces Kampala

Shared Heritage Africa – Rediscovering Masterpieces Kampala DOCOMOMO International is engaged in the Shared Heritage Africa project run by DOCOMOMO Germany. After visiting Kigali (Rwanda), the team is now in Kampala (Uganda) preparing for the final exhibition at Kyambogo University. To rediscover modern heritage in Kampala, a tour was taken on through the city to… Continue reading SHA – Rediscovering Masterpieces Kampala

Shared Heritage Africa – Kampala sessions

Shared Heritage Africa – Kampala sessions DOCOMOMO International is engaged in the Shared Heritage Africa project run by DOCOMOMO Germany. After visiting Kigali (Rwanda), the team is now in Kampala (Uganda). After a wonderful excursion/photographing workshop full of interesting (Modern) architecture on Sunday, visiting Makarere University and Kyambogo University, the writing workshop continued on Monday… Continue reading Shared Heritage Africa – Kampala sessions

Shared Heritage Africa – Kigali sessions

Shared Heritage Africa – Kigali sessions DOCOMOMO International is engaged in the Shared Heritage Africa project run by DOCOMOMO Germany. Today the team joined forces for a workshop at the Faculty of Architecture and Environmental Design of the University of Rwanda in Kigali. Wonderful to see the enthusiasm of students to think about, discuss and… Continue reading Shared Heritage Africa – Kigali sessions

Call for Abstracts – DOCONF 2023

DOCONF2023 / CALL FOR ABSTRACTS ‘Facing Post-Socialist Urban Heritage’ Docomomo International is pleased to share on behalf of the organizers that the DOCONF2023 has announced a call for abstracts on the topic “Facing Post-Socialist Urban Heritage”. The biannual DOCONF series provides a comparative overview of current doctoral research in architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning,… Continue reading Call for Abstracts – DOCONF 2023

Proceedings 17th International DOCOMOMO Conference

Proceedings 17th International Docomomo Conference Modern Design: Social Commitment and Quality of Life EditorsCARMEN JORDÁ SUCHMAITE PALOMARES FIGUERESANA TOSTÕESUTA POTTGIESSER 17th International Docomomo Conference6-9 September 2022Universitat Politècnica de València, València · Spain Publishersdocomomo internationaltirant lo blanch Download the proceedings in pdf. Printed copies available via tirant lo blanch.

In Memoriam: B.V. Doshi

In Memoriam – Architect B.V. Doshi Docomomo International is saddened to hear of the passing of the Indian architect Balkrishna Vithaldas Doshi. Recipient of the Pritzker Prize, he was a prolific figure in modern Indian architecture, with a career that spanned over 70 years. One of Doshi’s many achievements was his work on the Indian… Continue reading In Memoriam: B.V. Doshi

7th International Iconic Houses Conference

7th International Iconic Houses Conference – Icons of Czech Avantgarde: Authenticity & Style Diversity Docomomo International is pleased to announce that the 7th International Iconic Houses Conference will take place in the Czech Republic on 22-26 May 2023. Get your Early Bird tickets before 15 January! ICONIC HOUSES includes in the Czech Republic eleven beautiful… Continue reading 7th International Iconic Houses Conference

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) Old Campus in danger

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) Old Campus in Danger ICOMOS is again issuing a worldwide Heritage Alert, the most consequential expressional of concern, to amplify awareness of the threat to the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) Old Campus and draw urgent attention to the eminent risk of loss of the internationally significant buildings that make up… Continue reading Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) Old Campus in danger

Conservation Management Plan Zoom Talk

Conservation Management Plan. Achievements and Possibilities – Zoom Talk DOCOMOMO International is pleased to announce the Zoom Talk event Conservation Management Plan. Achievements and Possibilities, which is organized in cooperation with Bundesdenkmalamt Austria, and IDS. The event will take place on 19th January 2023, 5 pm to 8 pm CET. Please register here. The Conservation… Continue reading Conservation Management Plan Zoom Talk

18th International DOCOMOMO Conference

18th International DOCOMOMO Conference 2024 Announcement DOCOMOMO International is delighted to announce that following the Advisory Board meeting on December 5, DOCOMOMO Chile has been chosen to host the 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference in 2024. We congratulate DOCOMOMO Chile and commend them on their great work. The 18th IDC will take place in Santiago, Chile… Continue reading 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference