CAAD Futures 2023: Open Calls CAAD Futures 2023 is going to be held at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment in TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands – 5-7 July 2023. The conference reflects on the role of computation to interconnect in and for Architectural Design. The theme is organized in three main streamlines:… Continue reading CAAD Futures 2023: Open Calls
Category: frontpage4
Forum “Architecture and politics of the 20th century”
International forum “Architecture and politics of the 20th century – from invention to heritage” The international forum “Architecture and politics of the 20th century – from invention to heritage” will be held on June 9th and 10th, 2022 in Sofia. The event is organized within the framework of the Bulgarian program of the French Presidency… Continue reading Forum “Architecture and politics of the 20th century”
Álvaro Siza’s Lordelo do Ouro Cooperative Building
Álvaro Siza’s Lordelo do Ouro Cooperative Building: Preliminary Studies towards the Conservation of a Masterpiece in Need of Recognition
In Memoriam: Jorge O. Gazaneo, architect
Jorge O. Gazaneo, 1928-2022 It is with sadness that DOCOMOMO International announces the passing away of architect Jorge O. Gazaneo. Below is an obituary by DOCOMOMO honorary president, Hubert-Jan Henket. Photos by Carolina Quiroga. It was a fabulous summer’s day, the 3rd of September 1990. Delegates from 12 countries, interested in the ideas and conservation… Continue reading In Memoriam: Jorge O. Gazaneo, architect
Conservation & Rehabilitation in the Mediterranean
International Conference “Contemporary Built Heritage Conservation & Rehabilitation in the Mediterranean” The French National Order of Architects (CNOA), the Mediterranean Union of Architects (UMAR) and Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Montpellier (ENSAM) are inviting researchers and practitioners specializing in the preservation, conservation, renovation or transformation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of contemporary architecture in the… Continue reading Conservation & Rehabilitation in the Mediterranean
Call for Papers: Special Issue of the DOCOMOMO Journal – Modern Movement in Ukraine: Extended deadline
CfP: Special Issue of the DOCOMOMO Journal – Modern Movement in Ukraine: Extended Deadline May 31st In March 2022 DOCOMOMO International has put forward a Solidarity Statement on Ukraine to express our solidarity and to intensify our joint activities of documentation and conservation related to Modernist Architecture and Urbanism in Ukraine. DOCOMOMO Ukraine since its… Continue reading Call for Papers: Special Issue of the DOCOMOMO Journal – Modern Movement in Ukraine: Extended deadline
Docomomo Journal
DOCOMOMO Journal moving to new platform At the beginning of the Delft mandate, we have recognised the great value of the tremendous work done in Lisbon to bring the DOCOMOMO Journal available open access next to the printed versions. We are in the process of bringing this even a step further by implementing the Open… Continue reading Docomomo Journal