Shared Heritage Africa (SHA): Rediscovering Masterpieces Digital Fellowship exhibition

The exhibition “Shared Heritage Africa (SHA): Rediscovering Masterpieces Digital Fellowship” was hosted by the Centre for Housing and Sustainable Development (CHSD), University of Lagos (UNILAG) on Thursday, October 27, 2022 at the Institute of African and Diaspora Studies (IADS), UNILAG, Lagos, Nigeria. This event showcased the work conducted by nine fellows from Ghana, Nigeria and Uganda, who documented and investigated the political and societal significance of post-war modern buildings constructed between the 1950s and 1970s in their countries.

Shared Heritage Africa is a research project to aiming to rediscover modern buildings from the period of independence from British colonial rule (1950s-1970s) in Ghana, Nigeria and Uganda. A special focus is put on buildings of educational and socio-political significance.

The fellowship is coordinated by DOCOMOMO Germany, in partnership with Centre For Housing and Sustainable Development, University of Lagos and the University of Liverpool, in collaboration with Architectuul, and funded by the German Federal Office for Foreign Affairs: Bundesamt für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten (BfAA) from 2021-2023.

Read the press release here.

Visit the SHA website here.