DOCOMOMO_NL lecture and discussion on ‘Sphere dwellings’ On Thursday March 24, 19.30-21.30 the Dutch workingparty organizes an online lecture and discussion about the experimental Bolwoningen (sphere dwellings) in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Language will be Dutch. Registration via Aan de noordkant van de binnenstad van ‘s-Hertogenbosch staan 50 bijzondere woningen: de zogenaamde bolwoningen uit 1984 van architect… Continue reading DOCOMOMO_NL lecture and discussion on ‘Sphere dwellings’
Category: Uncategorized
“1972/2022 Monuments for Future in Practice”
“1972/2022 Monuments for Future in Practice” – On dealing with young monuments of modernism Please find enclosed a call for papers of the DFG network „Building Research Younger Building Stock 1945+” for an interdisciplinary study day, which will take place on 17-19.11.22 in the World Heritage City of Augsburg. The venue is the congress hall Augsburg, designed… Continue reading “1972/2022 Monuments for Future in Practice”
A call to save the VPÚ skyscraper by Josef Havlíček and Karel Honzík
A call to save the VPÚ skyscraper by Josef Havlíček and Karel Honzík Extract from an essay by Jakub Potůček, art historian. Translated into English “In the online version of the daily Metro, an article appeared at the end of November with the catchy headline House of Joy: Žižkov’s landmark awaits revival. Interesting reading? But… Continue reading A call to save the VPÚ skyscraper by Josef Havlíček and Karel Honzík