Call for Abstracts: Docomomo US National Symposium in Miami The Docomomo US National Symposium is the primary event in the United States for professionals to discuss and share efforts to preserve modern architecture and meet leading practitioners and industry professionals. Save the Date You are invited to join the Docomomo US National Symposium in Miami and… Continue reading Call for Abstracts: Docomomo US National Symposium in Miami
Category: Conferences
Convergences and Divergences
Modernism Beyond East and West International conference (16-18 November 2023) with partners from different parts of Europe critically rethinking and analyzing the history of European modern architecture with reference to Central and Eastern Europe. Organized by the Pilecki-Institute in cooperation with the initiative for a “European Triennial of Modernism (ETOM)“. More information here.
CfP: Modernist Women Interior Designers & Artists
Call for Papers: Docomomo ISC/ID Conference on Modernist women interior designers and artists: to deepen the reading of the different expressions of female creativity The Docomomo International Specialist Committee on Interior Design (ISC/ID) and Docomomo Portugal, in partnership with Fundação Dom Luís I – Casa das Histórias Paula Rego and with the Municipality of Cascais,… Continue reading CfP: Modernist Women Interior Designers & Artists
2026 International Docomomo Conference
The 19th International Docomomo Conference Announcement DOCOMOMO International is pleased to announce that the 19th International DOCOMOMO Conference to be organized in 2026 has been granted to DOCOMOMO US and the US/ California Chapter, based on and following the unanimous recommendation of the DOCOMOMO Advisory Board. During the 2022 Conference in Valencia, it was stated… Continue reading 2026 International Docomomo Conference
Extended deadline – 2024 IDC Sessions
Extended deadline for International Docomomo Conference 2024 Call for Sessions Please note the extended deadline for the Call for Sessions for the International Docomomo Conference 2024 until 30 September 2023. More information can be found in here, as well as on the Conference website:
Reviving Modernist Utopia Seminar
Seminar “Reviving Modernist Utopia” – Exploring Strategies for Regenerating post-war Modernist Housing Ensembles On Thursday 19 and Friday 20 October 2023, the Foyer Laekenois, in collaboration with Docomomo, is organising a symposium bringing together around twenty experts. This symposium will put the complex issues surrounding the regeneration of post-war modernist social housing projects into perspective… Continue reading Reviving Modernist Utopia Seminar
Frankfurt Declaration (on Housing)
Support the Frankfurt Declaration (on Housing) Sign the petition on and make it happen! On the occasion of the 20th DOCOMOMO Germany Conference on Politics – Society – Housing, the Frankfurt Declaration is presented. This event focused on the topic of affordable housing and equally of healthy living and quality of living environments. With… Continue reading Frankfurt Declaration (on Housing)
Proceedings 17th International DOCOMOMO Conference
Proceedings 17th International Docomomo Conference Modern Design: Social Commitment and Quality of Life EditorsCARMEN JORDÁ SUCHMAITE PALOMARES FIGUERESANA TOSTÕESUTA POTTGIESSER 17th International Docomomo Conference6-9 September 2022Universitat Politècnica de València, València · Spain Publishersdocomomo internationaltirant lo blanch Download the proceedings in pdf. Printed copies available via tirant lo blanch.
7th International Iconic Houses Conference
7th International Iconic Houses Conference – Icons of Czech Avantgarde: Authenticity & Style Diversity Docomomo International is pleased to announce that the 7th International Iconic Houses Conference will take place in the Czech Republic on 22-26 May 2023. Get your Early Bird tickets before 15 January! ICONIC HOUSES includes in the Czech Republic eleven beautiful… Continue reading 7th International Iconic Houses Conference
18th International DOCOMOMO Conference
18th International DOCOMOMO Conference 2024 Announcement DOCOMOMO International is delighted to announce that following the Advisory Board meeting on December 5, DOCOMOMO Chile has been chosen to host the 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference in 2024. We congratulate DOCOMOMO Chile and commend them on their great work. The 18th IDC will take place in Santiago, Chile… Continue reading 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference