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Sorted News by “Events“
Online event – Africa’s Most Beautiful Campus
Obafemi Awolowo University, Arieh Sharon, 1962-76, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Development of a Conservation Management Plan We warmly invite you for an online presentation of the project Obafemi Awolowo University, Arieh Sharon, 1962-76, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Development of a Conservation Management Plan – Preservation of Africa’s most beautiful campus. The Zoom event will take place on Friday, June……
Exhibition “At Eye Level – Africa and its Modernity”
Photography exhibition At Eye Level – Africa and its Modernity opens on May 16 The exhibition “At Eye Level – Africa and its Modernity” by photographer Jean Molitor opens on May 16, 2024 at 19.00h at Willy Brandt House in Berlin. The exhibition will showcase African Modern Architecture through visual storytelling and documentation and other……
Presentation: Special Issue Docomomo Journal 70
Docomomo Journal 70 – “From Constructivism to Modernism in Kharkiv” presentation and exhibition Docomomo International is inviting you to the presentation, workshop-talk and vernissage to celebrate the publishing of the special issue of Docomomo Journal 70 – From Constructivism to Modernism in Kharkiv. This is our second Journal issue dedicated to Ukrainian architecture, the first……
Festival of Architecture BINA Belgrade
Festival of Architecture BINA Belgrade Belgrade International Architecture Week (BINA) was established as a festival that encourages and promotes intercultural dialogue, trans-national cooperation and mobility in the field of architecture. For more information, click here.
8th Architectural Finishes Research Conference
8th Architectural Finishes Research Conference Docomomo International is pleased to share the news that from May 29 through 1 June 2024, the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) will host the Architectural Finishes Research Conference in Amsterdam, in collaboration with renowned partners on this subject in the Low Countries: Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium /……
Docomomo ISC/ID + Docomomo Portugal Conference “Modernist women interior designers and artists”
Registrations are now open: Docomomo ISC/ID + Docomomo Portugal Conference “Modernist women interior designers and artists” Registrations are now open for the International Conference organized by Docomomo ISC/ID and Docomomo Portugal on “Modernist women interior designers and artists: to deepen the reading of the different expressions of female creativity”. The event will take place on……
Global Bauhaus: Campus-Heritage-Climate
Global Bauhaus: Campus-Heritage-Climate The International Heritage Centre at the Bauhaus University Weimar recently hosted a symposium entitled “Global Bauhaus: Campus-Heritage-Climate”, which focused on 20th-century university buildings and campuses that are closely linked to the concepts of Neues Bauen. A major case study was the Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile-Ife, Nigeria, with several presentations and a film screening……
BOOK LAUNCH: Architectural Drawings as Investigating Devices: Architecture’s Changing Scope in the 20th Century
Architectural Drawings as Investigating Devices: Architecture’s Changing Scope in the 20th Century You are invited to the book launch event of Dr. Ing. Marianna Charitonidou’s book Architectural Drawings as Investigating Devices: Architecture’s Changing Scope in the 20th Century that will take place at the Goethe-Institut Amphitheater in Athens on Monday 22 January 2024, at 18:00.……
Le Corbusier’s Villa Baizeau in Carthage, Tunisia- January 2024
Le Corbusier’s Villa Baizeau in Carthage, Tunisia- January 2024 Docomomo Tunisia is excited to announce a special event scheduled for Tunis in January 2024. Initiated by an international architectural team, the event will center around Le Corbusier’s Villa Baizeau, built in Carthage between 1927 and 1930. This unique villa, commissioned by Lucien Baizeau, a public……
Call for Abstracts: Docomomo US National Symposium in Miami
Call for Abstracts: Docomomo US National Symposium in Miami The Docomomo US National Symposium is the primary event in the United States for professionals to discuss and share efforts to preserve modern architecture and meet leading practitioners and industry professionals. Save the Date You are invited to join the Docomomo US National Symposium in Miami and……
This tour will visit some fascinating buildings from the MODERN movement located in and around Tokyo designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Kunio Maekawa, Kenzo Tange and other famous Japanese Architects. Visit traditional Japanese buildings and explore the connection of Japanese aesthetics with Modern architecture. Enjoy Japanese culture, architecture, art and design, see international……
ONLINE LECTURES: Winter Wednesdays ’23-’24
Invitation for Docomomo Belgium’s first online lecture of the new series of Winter Wednesday’s Lectures which will take place on 15/11 20h. Please, register through this link: Marc Pimlott (TU Delft) will talk about ‘Landscape, territory, interior and its ideological gesture’. The lecture concerns the transformation of landscape through ideological gesture, to territory, and……
Reviving Modernist Utopia Seminar
Seminar “Reviving Modernist Utopia” – Exploring Strategies for Regenerating post-war Modernist Housing Ensembles On Thursday 19 and Friday 20 October 2023, the Foyer Laekenois, in collaboration with Docomomo, is organising a symposium bringing together around twenty experts. This symposium will put the complex issues surrounding the regeneration of post-war modernist social housing projects into perspective……
Frankfurt Declaration (on Housing)
Support the Frankfurt Declaration (on Housing) Sign the petition on and make it happen! On the occasion of the 20th DOCOMOMO Germany Conference on Politics – Society – Housing, the Frankfurt Declaration is presented. This event focused on the topic of affordable housing and equally of healthy living and quality of living environments. With……
Webinar: Heritage-led Development for IIM Ahmedabad
Future of the Modern Past – Heritage-led Development for IIM Ahmedabad The webinar on the future of the IIM Ahmedabad will take place on April 13 and 14, 2023, 17.00-20.15 IST / 13.30-16.45 CET. The event is organized under the aegis of ICOMOS India, through the collaboration of The National Scientific Committee of 20th Century……
Partisan Memorial Cemetery in Mostar
Heritage in Danger: The Partisan Memorial Cemetery in Mostar The Partisan Memorial Cemetery in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) by Bogdan Bogdanović is on the list of 11 most endangered monuments and heritage sites in Europe for 2023, announced by Europa Nostra and the European Investment Bank Institute. This 300m long paved ceremonial pathway is one……
Erich Mendelsohn. Architecture of Dialogue
Conference Erich Mendelsohn – Architecture of Dialogue Docomomo International is pleased to share the program for the conference “Erich Mendelsohn – Architecture of Dialogue”, set to take place on March 21 to 24, 2023 in physical and digital format. Docomomo Israel is a partner of this conference. The event will be held in English. For……
Shared Heritage Africa – Kampala exhibition
Shared Heritage Africa – Kampala exhibition On Friday 18th of February, 2023 the photo exhibition of the Shared Heritage Africa project was opened at the School of Arts and Industrial Design of Kyambogo University in Kampala, Uganda. The thematic approaches of the research fellows featured in the middle of the exhibition space, surrounded by large……
SHA – Rediscovering Masterpieces Kampala
Shared Heritage Africa – Rediscovering Masterpieces Kampala DOCOMOMO International is engaged in the Shared Heritage Africa project run by DOCOMOMO Germany. After visiting Kigali (Rwanda), the team is now in Kampala (Uganda) preparing for the final exhibition at Kyambogo University. To rediscover modern heritage in Kampala, a tour was taken on through the city to……
Shared Heritage Africa – Kampala sessions
Shared Heritage Africa – Kampala sessions DOCOMOMO International is engaged in the Shared Heritage Africa project run by DOCOMOMO Germany. After visiting Kigali (Rwanda), the team is now in Kampala (Uganda). After a wonderful excursion/photographing workshop full of interesting (Modern) architecture on Sunday, visiting Makarere University and Kyambogo University, the writing workshop continued on Monday……
Shared Heritage Africa – Kigali sessions
Shared Heritage Africa – Kigali sessions DOCOMOMO International is engaged in the Shared Heritage Africa project run by DOCOMOMO Germany. Today the team joined forces for a workshop at the Faculty of Architecture and Environmental Design of the University of Rwanda in Kigali. Wonderful to see the enthusiasm of students to think about, discuss and……
7th International Iconic Houses Conference
7th International Iconic Houses Conference – Icons of Czech Avantgarde: Authenticity & Style Diversity Docomomo International is pleased to announce that the 7th International Iconic Houses Conference will take place in the Czech Republic on 22-26 May 2023. Get your Early Bird tickets before 15 January! ICONIC HOUSES includes in the Czech Republic eleven beautiful……
Conservation Management Plan Zoom Talk
Conservation Management Plan. Achievements and Possibilities – Zoom Talk DOCOMOMO International is pleased to announce the Zoom Talk event Conservation Management Plan. Achievements and Possibilities, which is organized in cooperation with Bundesdenkmalamt Austria, and IDS. The event will take place on 19th January 2023, 5 pm to 8 pm CET. Please register here. The Conservation……
18th International DOCOMOMO Conference
18th International DOCOMOMO Conference 2024 Announcement DOCOMOMO International is delighted to announce that following the Advisory Board meeting on December 5, DOCOMOMO Chile has been chosen to host the 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference in 2024. We congratulate DOCOMOMO Chile and commend them on their great work. The 18th IDC will take place in Santiago, Chile……
Student Workshop Valencia 2022
Student Workshop Valencia 2022 September 1st – September 5th Preceding the 17th International Docomomo Conference in Valencia in 2022, a student workshop was organized by the Valencia School of Architecture of the Universitat Politècnica de València and the Docomomo International ISC/E&T. The workshop was organised under the title: A modern utopia -Design as a tool……