Docomomo Journal 70 – “From Constructivism to Modernism in Kharkiv” presentation and exhibition
Docomomo International is inviting you to the presentation, workshop-talk and vernissage to celebrate the publishing of the special issue of Docomomo Journal 70 – From Constructivism to Modernism in Kharkiv. This is our second Journal issue dedicated to Ukrainian architecture, the first one being Docomomo Journal 67 – Multiple Modernities in Ukraine. The event will take place in Berlin on Monday, April 15. The Chair of Docomomo International, Uta Pottgiesser, and Secretary General, Wido Quist will be taking part in the program, with some of the authors also in attendance.
Docomomo Journal 70 is online available through:
The program will be held as a hybrid event, and guests will have the opportunity to join the event via ZOOM (Meeting ID: 814 8396 3539;
Passcode: 241515).
15:00 – DOCOMOMO Journal Release DJ70: Presentation and workshop-talk «From Constructivism to Modernism in Kharkiv»
Feature-talk «ETOM NEB Lab – Activating Trans-European Modernism»
Keynote Lecture
18:00 – Vernissage «Modernism in Ukraine – International Competition for Kharkiv Mass Musical Theater from 1930».
The event is organized under the NEB-Festival 2024 – Satellite Event in Berlin @ BHROX bauhaus reuse, in collaboration with BHROX bauhaus reuse, zukunftsgeraeusche GbR,, New European Bauhaus, with the kind support of the Berlin Chamber of Architects.

The accompanying exhibition is chapter #6 of the exhibition series «Modernism in Ukraine», and will be presented together with DOCOMOMO International, ICOMOS and ETOM in the collaboration «Triangle for Modernism» for developing a dissemination platform between the major networks.
The exhibition is authored by Svitlana Smolenska, professor at Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University and associate researcher at Technical University of Berlin and OWL University of Applied Sciences as a fellow of the Volkswagen Foundation, and curated by Robert K. Huber (BHROX / zkg) and Ben Buschfeld (
“… The modern Ukrainian architecture was dominated by Constructivism from the mid-1920s to the early 1930s, with Kharkiv as the epicenter of production, while Socialist Realism with the Stalin Empire emerged from 1932, lasting until 1955, with Kyiv as the capital of Ukraine. From December 1919 to January 1934, Kharkiv was the first capital of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the cultural, economic, and educational center of the new Ukrainian Republic.. …”