Open Call – Exercising Modernity Academy

Open Call – Exercising Modernity Academy Docomomo International is happy to share the Open Call for the fifth edition of the Exercising Modernity Academy 2024 organized by the Pilecki-Institut Berlin. This year, the topic is Central and Eastern Europe and dealing with issues related to the processes of shaping societies under conditions of constantly changing… Continue reading Open Call – Exercising Modernity Academy

Online event – Africa’s Most Beautiful Campus

Obafemi Awolowo University, Arieh Sharon, 1962-76, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Development of a Conservation Management Plan  We warmly invite you for an online presentation of the project Obafemi Awolowo University, Arieh Sharon, 1962-76, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Development of a Conservation Management Plan – Preservation of Africa’s most beautiful campus. The Zoom event will take place on Friday, June… Continue reading Online event – Africa’s Most Beautiful Campus

Damaged architectural archives at UFRGS

Floods have damaged the architectural archives at the Faculty of Architecture, UFRGS, Brazil Docomomo International would like to convey the following information from Docomomo Brazil: the project archive damaged by the flood belongs to the Research and Graduate Program in Architecture (PROPAR) at the Faculty of Architecture, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).… Continue reading Damaged architectural archives at UFRGS

In Memoriam: Mabel Scarone (1931-2024)

In Memoriam: Mabel Scarone (1931-2024) Very sad news hit the DOCOMOMO family in general and the DOCOMOMO Argentina working party in particular. Our beloved Mabel Scarone passed away in Buenos Aires at the age of 93. She was an architect, professor, researcher, specialist in preservation and a dedicated DOCOMOMO frontrunner right from the start. Mabel… Continue reading In Memoriam: Mabel Scarone (1931-2024)

Exhibition “At Eye Level – Africa and its Modernity”

Photography exhibition At Eye Level – Africa and its Modernity opens on May 16 The exhibition “At Eye Level – Africa and its Modernity” by photographer Jean Molitor opens on May 16, 2024 at 19.00h at Willy Brandt House in Berlin. The exhibition will showcase African Modern Architecture through visual storytelling and documentation and other… Continue reading Exhibition “At Eye Level – Africa and its Modernity”

Presentation: Special Issue Docomomo Journal 70

Docomomo Journal 70 – “From Constructivism to Modernism in Kharkiv” presentation and exhibition Docomomo International is inviting you to the presentation, workshop-talk and vernissage to celebrate the publishing of the special issue of Docomomo Journal 70 – From Constructivism to Modernism in Kharkiv. This is our second Journal issue dedicated to Ukrainian architecture, the first… Continue reading Presentation: Special Issue Docomomo Journal 70

Kickoff CONCRETO Academy and Handbook

Kick off CONCRETO Academy On March 5-7, the CONCRETO-ACADEMY kicked off in Ivrea, Italy. On behalf of DOCOMOMO International, Andrea Canziani and Wido Quist joined the meeting. Just a few kilometres away from the snowy Alps, Ivrea was a great scene to meet with the project partners from Turkey, Italy and Spain. Ivrea, the industrial… Continue reading Kickoff CONCRETO Academy and Handbook

Heritage in Danger: Belgrade Fair

Heritage in Danger: Belgrade Fair Docomomo International has been made aware through Docomomo Serbia of the intensified demolition threats to the pavilions of the Belgrade Fair.  Docomomo Serbia, along with two other professional associations in the field of cultural heritage protection—the Association of Conservators of Serbia and Europa Nostra Serbia—has issued a press release, calling for… Continue reading Heritage in Danger: Belgrade Fair

Convergences and Divergences

Modernism Beyond East and West International conference (16-18 November 2023) with partners from different parts of Europe critically rethinking and analyzing the history of European modern architecture with reference to Central and Eastern Europe. Organized by the Pilecki-Institute in cooperation with the initiative for a “European Triennial of Modernism (ETOM)“. More information here.

CfP: Modernist Women Interior Designers & Artists

Call for Papers: Docomomo ISC/ID Conference on Modernist women interior designers and artists: to deepen the reading of the different expressions of female creativity The Docomomo International Specialist Committee on Interior Design (ISC/ID) and Docomomo Portugal, in partnership with Fundação Dom Luís I – Casa das Histórias Paula Rego and with the Municipality of Cascais,… Continue reading CfP: Modernist Women Interior Designers & Artists