Open call: Cities as Archives

Open call: Cities as Archives Open call for paper The Panel at VI ASAI Biennial Conference is announcing an open call forHistorical Stratigraphies and Visual Cultures of the Built Environment across the Horn of Africa, East Africa and Regions Beyond.Deadline of the application is March 03, 2022. The panel seeks to shed new light on… Continue reading Open call: Cities as Archives

Demolition of Marcel Breuer-designed Geller House

Demolition of Marcel Breuer-designed Geller House Marcel Breuer’s first binuclear house, Geller I in Lawrence, New York has been demolished in the dead of night. Geller I is largely considered the project that propelled Breuer to private practice in New York and prompted the Museum of Modern Art to commission Breuer to design an exhibition house in… Continue reading Demolition of Marcel Breuer-designed Geller House

Open call for Digital Fellowships

Open call for Digital Fellowships Shared Heritage Africa (SHA): Rediscovering Masterpieces is announcing an open call for Digital Fellowships, which will be awarded to students and young professionals in architecture related fields or with demonstrable interest in architecture, and based in Ghana, Uganda or Nigeria. Deadline for applications is February 15, 2022. The 6 month… Continue reading Open call for Digital Fellowships

16/02 Docomomo Scotland Winter Lecture

Docomomo Scotland Winter Lecture – “Spence’s Canongate Housing: Retrofitting Modern Heritage” On Wednesday, 16 February, Docomomo Scotland is delighted to have Scott Abercrombie of John Gilbert Architects talk about their work conserving and retrofitting Basil Spence’s housing development on the Canongate in Edinburgh’s Old Town.  He will explore the significance of the blocks, the issues identified… Continue reading 16/02 Docomomo Scotland Winter Lecture

Palazzo INA at risk

Palazzo INA at risk The recent administrative simplifications ask for urgent protection of a masterpiece by Piero Bottoni, an important asset for the history of the city of Milan, due to the building’s particularly important interest in 20th century Italian architectural culture. Support us (the school of Architechture at Politecnico Milano) in the procedure to… Continue reading Palazzo INA at risk

Docomomo Journal

DOCOMOMO Journal moving to new platform At the beginning of the Delft mandate, we have recognised the great value of the tremendous work done in Lisbon to bring the DOCOMOMO Journal available open access next to the printed versions. We are in the process of bringing this even a step further by implementing the Open… Continue reading Docomomo Journal

New mandate at TU Delft

New mandate at TU Delft As of January 1st, 2022 the secretariat of DOCOMOMO International has moved to the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. Hosting the DOCOMOMO international headquarters fits neatly in the mission of the section Heritage & Architecture. During the Tokio 2020+1 conference… Continue reading New mandate at TU Delft

Happy 2022

Happy 2022 Dear DOCOMOMO friends and community, A Happy New Year 2022 from Delft. We are sending our wishes to all of you: the national chapters and their teams, the partners, the institutional and individual members. We are looking forward to continue working with you and to support your local, regional, national and international activities. The next 17thInternational DOCOMOMO Conference will take place… Continue reading Happy 2022

Categorized as News

17th IDC Valencia 2022

The 17th International Docomomo Conference will take place in Valencia, Spain, between the 6th and the 9th September, 2022, under the theme “Modern Design: Social Commitment & Quality of Life”

Call for abstracts: Erich-Mendelsohn Symposium

Call for abstracts: Erich-Mendelsohn Symposium Docomomo International is trilled to share that a call for papers was launched for the Erich-Mendelsohn-Symposium, taking place next March 2022 (21st and 22nd March) in Berlin. Organized by ICOMOS Germany, ICOMOS Israel and Architektenkammer Berlin, the two-day symposium will take place on 21st and 22nd March 2022 in the… Continue reading Call for abstracts: Erich-Mendelsohn Symposium