Docomomo Germany Conference 2022 

Modern Movement, Industrial heritage thought ahead The 19. Docomomo Germany Conference will take place on 29th April 2022 at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein Coalmine in Esssen, Germany. Over the last decades many experiences with industrial heritage, its conservation and transformation. New questions and issues also arised, and are subject of this conference: How… Continue reading Docomomo Germany Conference 2022 

Proclamation to Architects on the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Budapest

PROCLAMATION TO ARCHITECTSon the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Budapest As a group of architects in Budapest, “Huszonkettesek”, we are addressing you and the world’s appreciative public. We feel that we have run out of tools, that we have no other option left to stop the government’s havoc. The current Hungarian government wants to make… Continue reading Proclamation to Architects on the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Budapest

Kharkiv, Ukraine Modern Heritage cries for Help

Kharkiv, Ukraine Modern Heritage crys for Help Dear DOCOMOMO friends, today we received the first news from our colleague Ievgeniia Gubkina from Kharkiv, Ukraine: “My hometown Kharkiv, which for many years has been the subject of my scientific research, excursions and educational projects, is surrounded by the Russian army and every day is under inhuman… Continue reading Kharkiv, Ukraine Modern Heritage cries for Help

DOCOMOMO Korea Student Design Competition

Announcement DOCOMOMO Korea Student Design Competition Docomomo Korea is announcing the theme for its annual student design competition: “Reuse and Development of Seoul Hilton Hotel and surrounding site” Seoul Hilton was designed by Jong Soung Kimm with his firm SAC International, Ltd. during 1977~80, and was completed in 1983. It recently changed ownership, and the… Continue reading DOCOMOMO Korea Student Design Competition

“Brutal Activism: Rescuing Preston Bus Station” – Sally Stone

“Brutal Activism: Rescuing Preston Bus Station” – Sally Stone Docomomo Turkey is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its foundation on March 6, 2022. On this occasion they would like to invite to the online event “Brutal Activism: Rescuing Preston Bus Station”: The event will take place on 06 March 2022 – 17.00 (EET) 15.00 (CET)and… Continue reading “Brutal Activism: Rescuing Preston Bus Station” – Sally Stone

Bid to save the Australian Environmental Studies Building at Griffith University, Brisbane

Bid to save the Australian Environmental Studies Building at Griffith University, Brisbane “A pair of architects have launched a bid to heritage protect a 1970s university building built among the bush on Griffith University’s Nathan Campus in Brisbane, which the university plans to demolish. Completed in 1977, the Australian Environmental Studies Building was designed by John… Continue reading Bid to save the Australian Environmental Studies Building at Griffith University, Brisbane

A call to save the VPÚ skyscraper by Josef Havlíček and Karel Honzík

A call to save the VPÚ skyscraper by Josef Havlíček and Karel Honzík Extract from an essay by Jakub Potůček, art historian. Translated into English “In the online version of the daily Metro, an article appeared at the end of November with the catchy headline House of Joy: Žižkov’s landmark awaits revival. Interesting reading? But… Continue reading A call to save the VPÚ skyscraper by Josef Havlíček and Karel Honzík

SYMPOSIUM “Open Modernism – The Future of Villa Beer”

SYMPOSIUM “Open Modernism – The Future of Villa Beer” 25 and 26th February 2022 presented by ÖGFA and DOCOMOMO Austria, in cooperation with the Villa Beer GmbH. The Symposium will be streamed live and will be simultaneously translated into English. program and registration The news that Villa Beer, a key work of Viennese modernism designed… Continue reading SYMPOSIUM “Open Modernism – The Future of Villa Beer”

Frederico Maggia 2022 Award

Frederico Maggia 2022 Award – Italy The Sella Foundation, together with the Ordinances of Architects and Engineers of Biella, launches the eighth edition of the Frederico Maggia Award, in memory of the engineer-architect Federico Maggia from Biella. The Biennial Federico Maggia Architecture Award offers young designers under 30 the opportunity to design and build useful… Continue reading Frederico Maggia 2022 Award

Online Forum: Integrated Approaches to Europe´s Dissonant Heritage

Online Forum: Integrated Approaches to Europe´s Dissonant Heritage – Insights, Networks, and Future Perspectives February 16 – 17, 2022, 13:30 – 17:00, via Webex All over Europe, dissonant heritage of the 20th century is under discussion. The Online Forum offers the space to talk and have an exchange about integrated approaches to the dissonant heritage… Continue reading Online Forum: Integrated Approaches to Europe´s Dissonant Heritage