DOCONF2025 – Facing Post-Socialist Urban Heritage The DOCONF2025 is the 6th international doctoral/post-doctoral conference in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, and planning organized by the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). The Conference will take place in Budapest on 9-11 October 2025. A call for… Continue reading DOCONF2025 – Call for Abstracts
Category: frontpage1
23rd Docomomo Germany Conference
23rd Docomomo Germany Conference On the 29th of March the 23rd Docomomo Germany conference will take place. The conference theme is the interaction between education, training and the architecture of the modern movement. Guests from Germany and abroad with academic, practical, activist and, of course, pedagogical backgrounds will provide an overview of the current status… Continue reading 23rd Docomomo Germany Conference
Highlights from 18th IDC in Chile
Highlights from the 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference The 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference is now officially over, and we think back fondly to the inspiring weeks of the Student Workshop and the Conference itself. We are immensely grateful to the the hosting Chapter – DOCOMOMO Chile, host institution – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and the… Continue reading Highlights from 18th IDC in Chile
Opening of the 18th IDC in Santiago
Opening ceremony of the 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference in Santiago The opening ceremony of the 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference “Modern Futures: Sustainable Development and Cultural Diversity” took place on the evening of 10 December at the Casa Central of the Universidad Catolica. Among the distinguished guests were the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Design… Continue reading Opening of the 18th IDC in Santiago
Call for Papers – Docomomo Iberico Congress
Call for Papers for the XIII Docomomo Iberico Congress ““Maritime modernity. Architectures and infrastructures of the coastal landscape, 1925-1975” Docomomo Ibérico is announcing a Call for Papers for their XIII Congress with the topic “Maritime modernity. Architectures and infrastructures of the coastal landscape, 1925-1975”Organizers: Fundación Docomomo Ibérico, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de A Coruña and… Continue reading Call for Papers – Docomomo Iberico Congress
Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists book
New book – Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists (Ana Tostões, Zara Ferreira, editors) is the first Docomomo Portugal publication, representing the result of the joint Docomomo Portugal and the Docomomo International Specialist Committee on Interior Design (ISC/ID) conference with the same name held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation on… Continue reading Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists book
Docomomo Journals 2024 shipping soon
Docomomo Journals of 2024 will soon be shipped to all our members! Dear Docomomo members, you can expect to receive your copies of the 2 Docomomo Journals of this year by Christmas. In the meantime, the Journals will be made available open-access on our website.
Ana Tostões awarded by l’Académie d’Architecture
Ana Tostões was awarded with the Médaille de la critique et des publications, Prix Académie d’Architecture 1965 Docomomo International is pleased to share the news that Professor Ana Tostões, former Chair of Docomomo International and current Chair of Docomomo Portugal as well as ISC/Publications, was awarded the Médaille de la critique et des publications, Prix… Continue reading Ana Tostões awarded by l’Académie d’Architecture
Landscape Architecture and Infrastructure of the 20th Century
Jan Haenraets, Andrew Saniga, Gulnur Cengiz (eds.), 2024. Landscape Architecture and Infrastructure of the Twentieth Century – Selections from the Docomomo Chapters,
Docomomo International, ISBN/EAN: 978-90-833867-0-6, 280 pp.
Announcement to Docomomo Chapters
Dear Docomomo friends and colleagues, Docomomo International would like to kindly remind all Chapters that they are invited to contribute with fiches to our 2024 Homework, which will result in the new book on Modernism. Fulfilling the Docomomo Homework, and having a minimum number of registered members gives the Chapters a voting right at the Docomomo Council Meeting,… Continue reading Announcement to Docomomo Chapters