DOCOMOMO Journal #68 – 2023/1

Middle Class Mass Housing The first DOCOMOMO Journal of 2023 is available online: #68 on Middle Class Housing in Europe. Together with #69 the printed version of this issue will we sent to all DOCOMOMO International members before the end of the year. Enjoy the online version via This special issue of the Docomomo… Continue reading DOCOMOMO Journal #68 – 2023/1

Frankfurt Declaration (on Housing)

Support the Frankfurt Declaration (on Housing) Sign the petition on and make it happen! On the occasion of the 20th DOCOMOMO Germany Conference on Politics – Society – Housing, the Frankfurt Declaration is presented. This event focused on the topic of affordable housing and equally of healthy living and quality of living environments. With… Continue reading Frankfurt Declaration (on Housing)

Shared Heritage Africa – Kampala exhibition

Shared Heritage Africa – Kampala exhibition On Friday 18th of February, 2023 the photo exhibition of the Shared Heritage Africa project was opened at the School of Arts and Industrial Design of Kyambogo University in Kampala, Uganda. The thematic approaches of the research fellows featured in the middle of the exhibition space, surrounded by large… Continue reading Shared Heritage Africa – Kampala exhibition

SHA – Rediscovering Masterpieces Kampala

Shared Heritage Africa – Rediscovering Masterpieces Kampala DOCOMOMO International is engaged in the Shared Heritage Africa project run by DOCOMOMO Germany. After visiting Kigali (Rwanda), the team is now in Kampala (Uganda) preparing for the final exhibition at Kyambogo University. To rediscover modern heritage in Kampala, a tour was taken on through the city to… Continue reading SHA – Rediscovering Masterpieces Kampala

Shared Heritage Africa – Kampala sessions

Shared Heritage Africa – Kampala sessions DOCOMOMO International is engaged in the Shared Heritage Africa project run by DOCOMOMO Germany. After visiting Kigali (Rwanda), the team is now in Kampala (Uganda). After a wonderful excursion/photographing workshop full of interesting (Modern) architecture on Sunday, visiting Makarere University and Kyambogo University, the writing workshop continued on Monday… Continue reading Shared Heritage Africa – Kampala sessions

Shared Heritage Africa – Kigali sessions

Shared Heritage Africa – Kigali sessions DOCOMOMO International is engaged in the Shared Heritage Africa project run by DOCOMOMO Germany. Today the team joined forces for a workshop at the Faculty of Architecture and Environmental Design of the University of Rwanda in Kigali. Wonderful to see the enthusiasm of students to think about, discuss and… Continue reading Shared Heritage Africa – Kigali sessions

Proceedings 17th International DOCOMOMO Conference

Proceedings 17th International Docomomo Conference Modern Design: Social Commitment and Quality of Life EditorsCARMEN JORDÁ SUCHMAITE PALOMARES FIGUERESANA TOSTÕESUTA POTTGIESSER 17th International Docomomo Conference6-9 September 2022Universitat Politècnica de València, València · Spain Publishersdocomomo internationaltirant lo blanch Download the proceedings in pdf. Printed copies available via tirant lo blanch.

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) Old Campus in danger

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) Old Campus in Danger ICOMOS is again issuing a worldwide Heritage Alert, the most consequential expressional of concern, to amplify awareness of the threat to the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) Old Campus and draw urgent attention to the eminent risk of loss of the internationally significant buildings that make up… Continue reading Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) Old Campus in danger

DOCOMOMO Manifesto on Education

DOCOMOMO Manifesto on Education During the closing ceremony of the 17th International DOCOMOMO Conference in Valencia, the DOCOMOMO Manifesto on Education was presented. Through this Manifesto, DOCOMOMO promotes a discussion on better education for Modern Movement heritage, embracing its cultural, ethical, and social ideas and values that are still relevant in 21st century society. The… Continue reading DOCOMOMO Manifesto on Education

17th IDC Workshop update – Cheste Complex

17th IDC: Workshop Update After two days of hard working and a lot of fun, the first results of the DOCOMOMO student Workshop start to take shape. In a very warm but stimulating environment, 30 students and several tutors are working closely together to understand the architectural essence of the Cheste Worker’s University near Valencia.… Continue reading 17th IDC Workshop update – Cheste Complex