Kick off CONCRETO Academy

On March 5-7, the CONCRETO-ACADEMY kicked off in Ivrea, Italy. On behalf of DOCOMOMO International, Andrea Canziani and Wido Quist joined the meeting. Just a few kilometres away from the snowy Alps, Ivrea was a great scene to meet with the project partners from Turkey, Italy and Spain.
Ivrea, the industrial city of the 20th century is the perfect environment for a project aiming for green rehabilitation of European Concrete Architecture as the former Olivetti-buildings require a constant attention regarding maintenance and conservation. DOCOMOMO International presented the first inventories for the CONCRETO Handbook, consisting of a state of the art investigation regarding concrete repair/conservation/rehabilitation/maintenance. Also the first steps towards identification of existing education and training in the realm of concrete repair/conservation/rehabilitation/maintenance were taken as well as the first steps to identify the needs and wishes regarding practical training and education.
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