DOCOMOMO Journal 2024

Accomplishments of DOCOMOMO Journal in 2024 DOCOMOMO International managed to produce another two thematic issues of DOCOMOMO Journal in 2024 and next to those, a yearly OPEN issue was started. In total 37 submissions (including editorials, book reviews, etc.) were published! DJ #70 with the title “From Constructivism to Modernism in Kharkiv” was published in… Continue reading DOCOMOMO Journal 2024

Student Workshop in Santiago #3

Workshop at full speed! Wessel de Jonge kicked of the third day of the DOCOMOMO International Student Workshop with a lecture on a research based design approach for heritage. The day programme ended with a lecture by All in view of Modern Futures: Sustainable development and cultural diversity Read Workshop Santiago #1 here!Read Workshop Santiago… Continue reading Student Workshop in Santiago #3

Meeting in Santiago 2024

ISC/Publications meeting at 18th IDC As an informal kick-off of the International DOCOMOMO Conferences, every 2 years the meetings of the International Specialist Committees are planned on the day preceding the 1st day of the conference. During the ISC/Publications meeting all Chairs, Vice-chairs and Co-chairs of the other committees gathered, reflecting on the DOCOMOMO International… Continue reading Meeting in Santiago 2024

Student Workshop Santiago #2

Analysis phase started! The second day of the DOCOMOMO International Student Workshop started with a lecture by Claudio Vasquez on facades. After the lecture, all groups of students met with the tutors and started the work on the selected housing complexes:– UNIDAD VECINAL PORTALES– OLYMPIC VILLA– VILLA FREI– UNIDAD VECINAL PROVIDENCIA– VILLA LOS JARDINES In… Continue reading Student Workshop Santiago #2

Workshop Santiago #1

Student workshop in Santiago Kicked off! Tuesday December 4th, 2024, the DOCOMOMO International studentworkshop in connection with the 18th DOCOMOMO International Conference kicked off at The Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in Santiago. Several days ahead to study Modern Housing Neighborhoods and discuss their future! The first day was filled with introduction lectures and a… Continue reading Workshop Santiago #1

ETOM Neb-Lab Conference “Modern Housing postwar”

Modern Housing postwar – Cities of Tomorrow? 14–15 Oct 2024International Conference in Halle (Saale) More information and registration: An European Triennial of Modernism (ETOM) NEB milestone project carried out as an “ETOM NEB-Lab” conference, within the framework of the “New  European Bauhaus”, in the context of Central Europe, with a special focus on the… Continue reading ETOM Neb-Lab Conference “Modern Housing postwar”

In Memoriam: Mabel Scarone (1931-2024)

In Memoriam: Mabel Scarone (1931-2024) Very sad news hit the DOCOMOMO family in general and the DOCOMOMO Argentina working party in particular. Our beloved Mabel Scarone passed away in Buenos Aires at the age of 93. She was an architect, professor, researcher, specialist in preservation and a dedicated DOCOMOMO frontrunner right from the start. Mabel… Continue reading In Memoriam: Mabel Scarone (1931-2024)

Kickoff CONCRETO Academy and Handbook

Kick off CONCRETO Academy On March 5-7, the CONCRETO-ACADEMY kicked off in Ivrea, Italy. On behalf of DOCOMOMO International, Andrea Canziani and Wido Quist joined the meeting. Just a few kilometres away from the snowy Alps, Ivrea was a great scene to meet with the project partners from Turkey, Italy and Spain. Ivrea, the industrial… Continue reading Kickoff CONCRETO Academy and Handbook