RE.STORATION.2010.2012 Symposium – 10th anniversary of the completed restoration of Villa Tugendhat DOCOMOMO International is happy to announce that the symposium RE.STORATION.2010.2012 connected to the 10th anniversary of the completed restoration of Villa Tugendhat will take place on September 22, at Villa Löw-Beer in Brno, Czech Republic. Read more below:
Category: Uncategorized
DOCOMOMO Manifesto on Education
DOCOMOMO Manifesto on Education During the closing ceremony of the 17th International DOCOMOMO Conference in Valencia, the DOCOMOMO Manifesto on Education was presented. Through this Manifesto, DOCOMOMO promotes a discussion on better education for Modern Movement heritage, embracing its cultural, ethical, and social ideas and values that are still relevant in 21st century society. The… Continue reading DOCOMOMO Manifesto on Education
17th IDC Opening Ceremony – Day One
17th International DOCOMOMO Conference – Day One The 17th International DOCOMOMO Conference has had a successful opening day on September 6, 2022 hosted by the UPV – Universitat Politècnica de València. The official ceremony took place in the evening, with the Rector of UPV, Mr. Jose Capilla welcoming the audience and presenting the speakers of… Continue reading 17th IDC Opening Ceremony – Day One
17th IDC Workshop update – Cheste Complex
17th IDC: Workshop Update After two days of hard working and a lot of fun, the first results of the DOCOMOMO student Workshop start to take shape. In a very warm but stimulating environment, 30 students and several tutors are working closely together to understand the architectural essence of the Cheste Worker’s University near Valencia.… Continue reading 17th IDC Workshop update – Cheste Complex
17th IDC kicked off! Student workshops
17th International DOCOMOMO Conference kicked off! After long and intensive preparations, the 17th International DOCOMOMO Conference in Valencia kicked off with the student workshop. It is for the 9th time in a row that the young generation contributes to the IDC by means of such a workshop. After a warm welcome by the local organisers… Continue reading 17th IDC kicked off! Student workshops
MoMo at Risk: C&A shopping center, Namur, Belgium
Heritage in danger : C&A shopping center, Namur, Belgium
Exhibition: Bulgarian Postwar Utopia
TOTALPROEKT. The Invisible Architecture of Modernity or the Bulgarian postwar utopia DOCOMOMO International is pleased to report that the exhibition ‘TOTALPROEKT. The Invisible Architecture of Modernity’ opened as a result of the combined effort of DOCOMOMO Bulgaria and the New Architectural Heritage Foundation, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria. The exhibition… Continue reading Exhibition: Bulgarian Postwar Utopia
CfA: Modern Women Architects
Call for Abstracts: Between lines. Modern women architects and their contribution to the discipline Call for abstracts “Between lines. Modern women architects and their contribution to the discipline” is looking for contributors for their upcoming publication. DatesReception of abstracts (300 words) 08 July 2022Evaluation 01 August 2022Reception of full texts 07 October 2022Publication April 2023… Continue reading CfA: Modern Women Architects
Heritage International Protection in Wartime
Modernist Heritage International Protection in Wartime:the Case of Ukraine DOCOMOMO International is pleased share the invitation to a hybrid conference Heritage International Protection in Wartime:the Case of Ukraine to be held on June 23rd, 17:30 – 19:00 at Sciences Po Paris (Paris School of International Affairs), with the collaboration of UNESCO, and devoted to Heritage… Continue reading Heritage International Protection in Wartime
Architectural Heritage of XIX-XX Centuries
International Colloquium “Architectural Heritage of XIX-XX Centuries and its Rehabilitation DOCOMOMO France, together with the National School of Architecture of Tunis (ENAU), Research Laboratory of Heritage and Architecturology (LarPa), the research team on environment (ERA), with the National Institute of Heritage (INP), laboratory of Maghrebian Architecture (LAAM), organization “Édifices et Mémoires Tunisie”, with the support… Continue reading Architectural Heritage of XIX-XX Centuries