CAAD Futures 2023: Open Calls

CAAD Futures 2023: Open Calls CAAD Futures 2023 is going to be held at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment in TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands – 5-7 July 2023. The conference reflects on the role of computation to interconnect in and for Architectural Design. The theme is organized in three main streamlines:… Continue reading CAAD Futures 2023: Open Calls

CfA for edited book chapters “Canon(s) and Icon(s): re-wondering a North-South contamination”

CfA for Edited Book Chapters “Canon(s) and Icon(s): re-wondering a North-South contamination” DOCOMOMO International is pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for Edited Book Chapters “Canon(s) and Icon(s): re-wondering a North-South contamination.” The edited chapters will be part of the book series “Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementa,” set to be published by Quasar in… Continue reading CfA for edited book chapters “Canon(s) and Icon(s): re-wondering a North-South contamination”

Call for Papers: Special Issue of the DOCOMOMO Journal – Modern Movement in Ukraine: Extended deadline

CfP: Special Issue of the DOCOMOMO Journal – Modern Movement in Ukraine: Extended Deadline May 31st In March 2022 DOCOMOMO International has put forward a Solidarity Statement on Ukraine to express our solidarity and to intensify our joint activities of documentation and conservation related to Modernist Architecture and Urbanism in Ukraine. DOCOMOMO Ukraine since its… Continue reading Call for Papers: Special Issue of the DOCOMOMO Journal – Modern Movement in Ukraine: Extended deadline

CfP: The Modern Cult of the Metaverse

CfP: The Modern Cult of the Metaverse DOCOMOMO International is happy to share this call for papers from SAJ and to inform you that the deadline for paper submission to the first thematic issue in 2022 (vol 14, no. 1) has been extended until 15 May 2022. To quickly refresh your memory – our guest editor, Dr… Continue reading CfP: The Modern Cult of the Metaverse

“1972/2022 Monuments for Future in Practice”

“1972/2022 Monuments for Future in Practice” – On dealing with young monuments of modernism Please find enclosed a call for papers of the DFG network „Building Research Younger Building Stock 1945+” for an interdisciplinary study day, which will take place on 17-19.11.22 in the World Heritage City of Augsburg. The venue is the congress hall Augsburg, designed… Continue reading “1972/2022 Monuments for Future in Practice”

DOCOMOMO Korea Student Design Competition

Announcement DOCOMOMO Korea Student Design Competition Docomomo Korea is announcing the theme for its annual student design competition: “Reuse and Development of Seoul Hilton Hotel and surrounding site” Seoul Hilton was designed by Jong Soung Kimm with his firm SAC International, Ltd. during 1977~80, and was completed in 1983. It recently changed ownership, and the… Continue reading DOCOMOMO Korea Student Design Competition

Open call: Cities as Archives

Open call: Cities as Archives Open call for paper The Panel at VI ASAI Biennial Conference is announcing an open call forHistorical Stratigraphies and Visual Cultures of the Built Environment across the Horn of Africa, East Africa and Regions Beyond.Deadline of the application is March 03, 2022. The panel seeks to shed new light on… Continue reading Open call: Cities as Archives

Call for abstracts: Erich-Mendelsohn Symposium

Call for abstracts: Erich-Mendelsohn Symposium Docomomo International is trilled to share that a call for papers was launched for the Erich-Mendelsohn-Symposium, taking place next March 2022 (21st and 22nd March) in Berlin. Organized by ICOMOS Germany, ICOMOS Israel and Architektenkammer Berlin, the two-day symposium will take place on 21st and 22nd March 2022 in the… Continue reading Call for abstracts: Erich-Mendelsohn Symposium