The House on the Stream (Mar del Plata, Argentina, 1942) was awarded 2024 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize The masterpiece by Amancio Williams and Delfina Galvez has been cared for and recognized by DOCOMOMO since its inclusion in the first international registers in 1996, published and edited by Dennis Sharp and Catherine Cook: “The Modern… Continue reading The House on the Stream (Mar del Plata, Argentina, 1942)
Category: News
Docomomo ISC/ID + Docomomo Portugal Conference “Modernist women interior designers and artists”
Registrations are now open: Docomomo ISC/ID + Docomomo Portugal Conference “Modernist women interior designers and artists” Registrations are now open for the International Conference organized by Docomomo ISC/ID and Docomomo Portugal on “Modernist women interior designers and artists: to deepen the reading of the different expressions of female creativity”. The event will take place on… Continue reading Docomomo ISC/ID + Docomomo Portugal Conference “Modernist women interior designers and artists”
Women in Architecture
Research Database “Women in Architecture” in Czech Republic Docomomo International is happy to announce the newly launched database and website “Women in Architecture“, which was made possible with support from the Czech Science Foundation and conducted in collaboration between the National Gallery in Prague (NGP) and the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague.… Continue reading Women in Architecture
Global Bauhaus: Campus-Heritage-Climate
Global Bauhaus: Campus-Heritage-Climate The International Heritage Centre at the Bauhaus University Weimar recently hosted a symposium entitled “Global Bauhaus: Campus-Heritage-Climate”, which focused on 20th-century university buildings and campuses that are closely linked to the concepts of Neues Bauen. A major case study was the Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile-Ife, Nigeria, with several presentations and a film screening… Continue reading Global Bauhaus: Campus-Heritage-Climate
Heritage in Danger: Hashima City Office Building by Junzo Sakakura
Heritage in Danger: Hashima City Office Building by Junzo Sakakura Docomomo International has been made aware through Docomomo Japan of the intensified demolition threats to the Hashima City Office Building by Junzo Sakakura. The Hashima City Office Building is located a 5-minute walk from Junzo Sakakura’s birthplace, was completed in 1959 and received the prestigious… Continue reading Heritage in Danger: Hashima City Office Building by Junzo Sakakura
Docomomo International teams up in CONCRETO Docomomo International teams up in CONCRETO! CONCRETO is an Alliance for Education and Enterprises within the Erasmus+ Programme. A 36-month project bringing together 13 partners from 5 EU countries to promote the GREEN REHABILITATION of EUROPEAN CONCRETE ARCHITECTURE. The CONCRETO Partners recognise the LACK of specialist skills available and… Continue reading CONCRETO Academy
Tropical Modernism – How did this architecture reach the equator?
Photo exhibition by Jean Molitor Tropical Modernism – How did this architecture reach the equator? The photo exhibition by photographer Jean Molitor provides an insight on how a broad stylistic, avant-garde architectural approach conquered the world. The art historian Andreas Butter was invited to the opening. Here are a few thoughts from his introduction. Münzenberg… Continue reading Tropical Modernism – How did this architecture reach the equator?
Call for Abstracts: ICSA 2025 ‘Repurposing the past: unpacking material properties’
Call for Abstracts: ICSA 2025 ‘Repurposing the past: unpacking material properties’ On 8-11 July 2025, the next ICSA Conference will be held in Antwerp, calling for “reimagination of current practices intersecting structures and architecture in response to the pressing global environmental, social and economic crisis”. As part of this international conference, a special session on reuse practices from the… Continue reading Call for Abstracts: ICSA 2025 ‘Repurposing the past: unpacking material properties’
Docomomo Journal 2023
DJ 2023: Most viewed articles of the year Lico Rising from of the Ashes: post-war Philippines Architecture Maeda et al. The real reason why Nakagin Capsule Tower was never metabolized Ligtelijn Aldo van Eyck and the Amsterdam playgrounds Sopandi The Nature of Tropical Architecture in Indonesian Modernism Normandin Charles and Ray Eames: Modern Living in a Postwar Era Sopandi et… Continue reading Docomomo Journal 2023
Heritage in Danger: Belgrade Fair
Heritage in Danger: Belgrade Fair Docomomo International has been made aware through Docomomo Serbia of the intensified demolition threats to the pavilions of the Belgrade Fair. Docomomo Serbia, along with two other professional associations in the field of cultural heritage protection—the Association of Conservators of Serbia and Europa Nostra Serbia—has issued a press release, calling for… Continue reading Heritage in Danger: Belgrade Fair