New book – Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists

Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists (Ana Tostões, Zara Ferreira, editors) is the first Docomomo Portugal publication, representing the result of the joint Docomomo Portugal and the Docomomo International Specialist Committee on Interior Design (ISC/ID) conference with the same name held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation on March 7 and 8 2024, in celebration of International Women’s Day. Published by Docomomo Portugal and the Docomomo International Specialist Committee on Interior Design (ISC/ID), the book highlights the multifaceted creativity of women.
The Modern Movement, often celebrated for its commitment to a better life for all, has historically been dominated by narratives centered on male architects, designers, and artists. However, many women played fundamental roles in shaping the aesthetics, philosophy, and material culture of Modernism. Their work not only reflected the social and political transformations of the time but also proposed new ways of life and expanded the boundaries of creation.
Published by Docomomo Portugal and the Docomomo International Specialist Committee on Interior Design (ISC/ID), the book Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists highlights the multifaceted creativity of women. Covering eight countries across four continents—Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, former Yugoslavia, Turkey, the USA, Brazil, Tunisia, Mozambique, South Korea, and Hong Kong—the work offers an in-depth look at the contributions of 15 creators: architects, urban planners, artists, educators, women’s collectives, and anonymous citizens. Their perspectives are as varied as their fields of work, ranging from textile design to politics.
Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists is a celebration of the invaluable contributions of women to the creation of a better world, attesting to their influence and calling for the recognition of the full spectrum of voices that enriched modernity’s cultural landscape.
The book launch will take place during the parallel events on the 18th International Docomomo Conference in Santiago, Chile.
Available soon for purchase via Docomomo Portugal.
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