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Sorted News by “Open Calls“
Call for Abstracts: Docomomo Israel Conference
Docomomo Israel Conference – “Modernism and Beyond: Kibbutz Legacy Revisited” Docomomo Israel is organizing their 2025 conference on the topic “Modernism and Beyond: Kibbutz Legacy Revisited” on May 13-14 at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion. The conference will address the architectural, planning, and landscape history of the kibbutz as a modern social-settlement……
Open Call: Docomomo Iberico RAM #3
Open Call for Docomomo Iberico’s issue 3 of “RAM Docomomo Ibérico, Modern Architectures Review” The Iberian Docomomo Foundation launches the call for papers for issue 3 of RAM Docomomo Ibérico, Modern Architectures Review, an initiative of the Foundation to study and disseminate the cultural values of modern heritage. CALL FOR PAPERS: Docomomo Ibérico invites you……
DOCONF2025 – Call for Abstracts
DOCONF2025 – Facing Post-Socialist Urban Heritage The DOCONF2025 is the 6th international doctoral/post-doctoral conference in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, and planning organized by the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). The Conference will take place in Budapest on 9-11 October 2025. A call for……
Call for Abstracts: Docomomo PT Congress
Call for Abstracts for the first Docomomo Portugal Congress is now open On behalf of Docomomo Portugal, we are delighted to share that the 1st Docomomo Portugal Congress will take place in Coimbra, on 20-21 October 2025, entitled “Ensino, Reuso e Transformação da Arquitetura e Cidade Modernas” [“Teaching, Reuse and Transformation of Modern Architecture and……
Open Call: Sophia Journal Vol.10
OPEN CALL | LANDSCAPES OF REPAIR: THE ROLE OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND FILM IN DOCUMENTING THE LEGACY OF MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE AND PUBLIC SPACES An open call has been launched for the Sophia Journal Vol.10 for its fourth thematic cycle “Landscapes of Repair”, encouraging a humanist approach to urban transformation that transcends purely economic considerations. By exploring……
Call for Papers – Docomomo Iberico Congress
Call for Papers for the XIII Docomomo Iberico Congress ““Maritime modernity. Architectures and infrastructures of the coastal landscape, 1925-1975” Docomomo Ibérico is announcing a Call for Papers for their XIII Congress with the topic “Maritime modernity. Architectures and infrastructures of the coastal landscape, 1925-1975”Organizers: Fundación Docomomo Ibérico, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de A Coruña and……
Call Closed: Call for Abstracts: Docomomo Journal
Call for Abstracts for the special issue of Docomomo Journal 2025 DOCOMOMO International is pleased to announce a Call for Abstracts for a special issue of the Docomomo Journal – “Imperfect Modernism”, dedicated to research that showcases the geographical and civilizational diversity of modernist architecture, examining how it has not only witnessed key turning points……
Open Call – Exercising Modernity Academy
Open Call – Exercising Modernity Academy Docomomo International is happy to share the Open Call for the fifth edition of the Exercising Modernity Academy 2024 organized by the Pilecki-Institut Berlin. This year, the topic is Central and Eastern Europe and dealing with issues related to the processes of shaping societies under conditions of constantly changing……
Call for Abstracts: ICSA 2025 ‘Repurposing the past: unpacking material properties’
Call for Abstracts: ICSA 2025 ‘Repurposing the past: unpacking material properties’ On 8-11 July 2025, the next ICSA Conference will be held in Antwerp, calling for “reimagination of current practices intersecting structures and architecture in response to the pressing global environmental, social and economic crisis”. As part of this international conference, a special session on reuse practices from the……
Call for Abstracts: Docomomo US National Symposium in Miami
Call for Abstracts: Docomomo US National Symposium in Miami The Docomomo US National Symposium is the primary event in the United States for professionals to discuss and share efforts to preserve modern architecture and meet leading practitioners and industry professionals. Save the Date You are invited to join the Docomomo US National Symposium in Miami and……
OPEN CALL | Landscapes of Care
OPEN CALL | Landscapes of Care Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices Sophia Journal is currently accepting submissions for its third thematic cycle “Landscapes of Care” focused on “Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices”. Editors: Maria Neto (UBI-FAUP), Paz Nuñez Martí (UAH-ETSAM)Guest Editors: Igea Troiani (LSBU), Joan Mac Donald……
CfP: Modernist Women Interior Designers & Artists
Call for Papers: Docomomo ISC/ID Conference on Modernist women interior designers and artists: to deepen the reading of the different expressions of female creativity The Docomomo International Specialist Committee on Interior Design (ISC/ID) and Docomomo Portugal, in partnership with Fundação Dom Luís I – Casa das Histórias Paula Rego and with the Municipality of Cascais,……
Extended deadline – 2024 IDC Sessions
Extended deadline for International Docomomo Conference 2024 Call for Sessions Please note the extended deadline for the Call for Sessions for the International Docomomo Conference 2024 until 30 September 2023. More information can be found in here, as well as on the Conference website:
Getty Conservation Guest Scholars
Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Deadline – 2 October 2023 On behalf of Getty, Docomomom International would like to draw to your attention that the deadline for Conservation Guest Scholar Program is on 2 October 2023. The Conservation Guest Scholars Program at Getty provides opportunities for professionals to pursue research on topics that contribute to the advancement……
CfA Docomomo Journal Interiors Deadline June 30
Docomomo Journal “Interiors in Times of Crisis” CfA deadline on June 30! DOCOMOMO International re-announced the Call for Abstracts for a special issue of the Docomomo Journal “Learning from Modern Movement Interiors in Times of Crisis”, dedicated to the functioning and experience of the modern interior in times of crisis, showcasing a variety of insightful……
2023 Vitruvian Honors & Awards Submissions
Submissions for the 2023 Vitruvian Honors & Awards Program The Facade Tectonics Institute’s Vitruvian Honors & Awards program celebrates outstanding achievements in the field of facade design and delivery. The program recognizes outstanding projects, as well as project teams and individuals that have made extraordinary contributions to facade design, engineering, fabrication, installation and lifecycle performance.……
Call for Abstracts – DOCONF 2023
DOCONF2023 / CALL FOR ABSTRACTS ‘Facing Post-Socialist Urban Heritage’ Docomomo International is pleased to share on behalf of the organizers that the DOCONF2023 has announced a call for abstracts on the topic “Facing Post-Socialist Urban Heritage”. The biannual DOCONF series provides a comparative overview of current doctoral research in architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning,……
8th Architectural Finishes Research Conference – CfA
8th Architectural Finishes Research Conference and Call for Abstracts Docomomo International is pleased to share the news that from May 29 through 1 June 2024, the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) will host the Architectural Finishes Research Conference in Amsterdam, in collaboration with renowned partners on this subject in the Low Countries: Koninklijk……
Extended CfP: JOELHO Journal #15
Extended deadline: Call for papers – JOELHO – Journal of Architectural Culture #15 – Architectural Design as a Co-Creation Process DOCOMOMO International is pleased to announce on behalf of JOELHO and its guest editors the Call for Papers for JOELHO – Journal of Architectural Culture #15 – Architectural Design as a Co-Creation Process. After multiple……
CfA – DOCOMOMO Journal Special Issue MCMH EU
Call for Abstracts – Special Issue of DOCOMOMO Journal with the working title “MCMH EU – Definitions, Cases and Policies” DOCOMOMO International is pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for a special issue of the Docomomo Journal dedicated to the investigation and comparison of Middle Class Mass Housing in Europe (MCMH-EU) since the 1950s.……
Open Call: Landscapes of Care – Sophia Journal
OPEN CALL: Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage Sophia Journal Vol. 8 | Abstract deadline (Conference): 1 November 2022 | Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage. Editors: Hugh Campbell, Mark Durden, Teresa Ferreira, João Leal, Rikke Munck Petersen and Igea Troiani Abstract deadline: 1 November 2022Selected authors……
CfC: International Conference on Architectural Quality
Call for Contributions: Online International Conference on Architectural Quality The International Online Conference on Architectural Quality will take place on 8–9 and 15–16 October 2022. The Conference seeks papers that offer definitions of architectural quality. Abstracts (max. 500 words) should outline a definition of architectural quality, and name two case studies of realized buildings that……
CAAD Futures 2023: Open Calls
CAAD Futures 2023: Open Calls CAAD Futures 2023 is going to be held at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment in TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands – 5-7 July 2023. The conference reflects on the role of computation to interconnect in and for Architectural Design. The theme is organized in three main streamlines:……
CfA for edited book chapters “Canon(s) and Icon(s): re-wondering a North-South contamination”
CfA for Edited Book Chapters “Canon(s) and Icon(s): re-wondering a North-South contamination” DOCOMOMO International is pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for Edited Book Chapters “Canon(s) and Icon(s): re-wondering a North-South contamination.” The edited chapters will be part of the book series “Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementa,” set to be published by Quasar in……
Call for Papers: Special Issue of the DOCOMOMO Journal – Modern Movement in Ukraine: Extended deadline
CfP: Special Issue of the DOCOMOMO Journal – Modern Movement in Ukraine: Extended Deadline May 31st In March 2022 DOCOMOMO International has put forward a Solidarity Statement on Ukraine to express our solidarity and to intensify our joint activities of documentation and conservation related to Modernist Architecture and Urbanism in Ukraine. DOCOMOMO Ukraine since its……