Opening ceremony of the 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference in Santiago
The opening ceremony of the 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference “Modern Futures: Sustainable Development and Cultural Diversity” took place on the evening of 10 December at the Casa Central of the Universidad Catolica. Among the distinguished guests were the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies of the Potifical Catholic University of Chile, Mario Ubilla Sanz, the Director of the School of Achitecture of Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Honorary President of DOCOMOMO International – Hubert-Jan Henket, Chair of DOCOMOMO International, Uta Pottgiesser, Chair of the organizing committee of the Conference – Horacio Torrent.
Henrieta Moravčíková, Chair of DOCOMOMO Slovakia and member of the DOCOMOMO Advisory board introduced the keynote speaker of the evening – Wessel de Jonge, who is the co-founder of DOCOMOMO International. Professor de Jonge delivered an inspiring lecture on the reuse not only of monumental, but of “ordinary” Modern buildings, and the meticulous technology and the societal dimension behind some of the repurposed projects he helmed during his fruitful career.