18th International DOCOMOMO Conference 2024 Announcement

DOCOMOMO International is delighted to announce that following the Advisory Board meeting on December 5, DOCOMOMO Chile has been chosen to host the 18th International DOCOMOMO Conference in 2024. We congratulate DOCOMOMO Chile and commend them on their great work.
The 18th IDC will take place in Santiago, Chile in late 2024 under the topic Modern Futures: Sustainable Development and Cultural Diversity. The hosting institution will be Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. The student workshop Conservation in Practice: Modern Heritage and Adaptive Reuse will revolve around a case study selected among the housing complexes built in Chile in the 20th century, and their possibilities of architectural intervention.
The Conference will be organized with the support of PUC – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; FADEU – Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Estudios Urbanos; ARQ UC – Escuela de Arquitectura; CENPUC – Centro de Patrimonio Cultural UC, and with the national collaboration of PUCV – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; UCN – Universidad Católica del Norte; USS – Universidad San Sebastián; UFT – Universidad Finnis Terrae; UBB – Universidad del Bio Bio; UACh – Universidad Austral de Chile.
As side events, lectures, workshops and seminars will be organized by Conference partners in Lima, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires, giving the visiting speakers and attendees to the Conference an opportunity to contribute to the academic environment of the wider region.
Information about open calls, Conference themes, registration can be found on the Conference website: https://docomomoconference2024.com/
The full Conference proposal can be viewed here