17th IDC: Workshop Update

After two days of hard working and a lot of fun, the first results of the DOCOMOMO student Workshop start to take shape. In a very warm but stimulating environment, 30 students and several tutors are working closely together to understand the architectural essence of the Cheste Worker’s University near Valencia. Through analyzing the present with knowledge fn the past, proposals are created for a future use of this wonderful brutalist complex.
Work is being done in three groups:
- SOS Modern Heritage – Design scenarios for Modern Heritage Management.
- Modern Design Notebook – An approach to design at 1:1 scale.
- Cut-out architectures – Models as educational resources for the dissemination of architecture.
Still one day of conceptualization ahead to the presentations on Saturday evening. Sunday will be used to shape the results into an exhibition that will be on view at the School of Architecture at the University of Valencia during the 17th International DOCOMOMO Conference.
See https://docomomo2022.webs.upv.es/index.php/workshop/ for more information!