Damaged architectural archives at UFRGS

Floods have damaged the architectural archives at the Faculty of Architecture, UFRGS, Brazil Docomomo International would like to convey the following information from Docomomo Brazil: the project archive damaged by the flood belongs to the Research and Graduate Program in Architecture (PROPAR) at the Faculty of Architecture, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).… Continue reading Damaged architectural archives at UFRGS

Architecture and Transculturation | 2022

Architecture and Transculturation: Transatlantic Connections | 2022 The event Architecture and Transculturation: Transatlantic Connections | 2022 intends to promote knowledge about the exchanges of ideas and people in the field of Architecture and Urbanism between Brazil, South America, Europe and Africa. The event, in its third edition, arose from the importance of giving visibility to… Continue reading Architecture and Transculturation | 2022