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Sorted News by “Press“
Women in Architecture
Research Database “Women in Architecture” in Czech Republic Docomomo International is happy to announce the newly launched database and website “Women in Architecture“, which was made possible with support from the Czech Science Foundation and conducted in collaboration between the National Gallery in Prague (NGP) and the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague.……
Frankfurt Declaration (on Housing)
Support the Frankfurt Declaration (on Housing) Sign the petition on and make it happen! On the occasion of the 20th DOCOMOMO Germany Conference on Politics – Society – Housing, the Frankfurt Declaration is presented. This event focused on the topic of affordable housing and equally of healthy living and quality of living environments. With……
New mandate at TU Delft
New mandate at TU Delft As of January 1st, 2022 the secretariat of DOCOMOMO International has moved to the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. Hosting the DOCOMOMO international headquarters fits neatly in the mission of the section Heritage & Architecture. During the Tokio 2020+1 conference……