Floods have damaged the architectural archives at the Faculty of Architecture, UFRGS, Brazil

Docomomo International would like to convey the following information from Docomomo Brazil: the project archive damaged by the flood belongs to the Research and Graduate Program in Architecture (PROPAR) at the Faculty of Architecture, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). This archive encompasses records of works by representative architects of Brazilian Modern Architecture in the southern region of the country, the product of the lifework of three prominent local architects: Carlos M. Fayet, Cláudio L. G. Araújo, and Moacyr Moojen Marques. These architects were key figures in the generation following the modernist avant-garde in the region.
From the late 1940s to the late 1960s—a period marking the structuring of the profession, the emergence of architectural education, the establishment of the Faculty of Architecture, and the creation of the Institute of Architects of Brazil (IAB) Rio Grande do Sul Department—these three architects played a significant role. Their work contributed to the introduction, dissemination, and expansion of modern architecture in the state. Their careers and, more importantly, their architectural production provide a comprehensive view of modern architecture in the south of Brazil and its integration into the broader context of the Modern Movement.
The archive materials were located on the ground floor of the FAM Building, designed by the trio, where the water reached over two meters. After more than ten days, once access was possible, the damages were assessed. Despite the losses, a significant portion of the archive can still be saved, but the situation is urgent.

The archive materials were located on the ground floor of the FAM Building, designed by the trio, where the water reached over two meters. After more than ten days, once access was possible, the damages were assessed. Despite the losses, a significant portion of the archive can still be saved, but the situation is urgent.
With the assistance of volunteers from DOCOMOMO SUL, the materials were temporarily relocated to the headquarters of the Institute of Architects of Rio Grande do Sul (IAB/RS). There, professionals in museology and document preservation from the State Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAE) are undertaking emergency efforts to preserve as many documents and projects as possible. Undergoing the initial screening under the care of museologist Doris Couto, director of the Júlio de Castilhos Museum in Porto Alegre, assisted by architect Ana Seixas from the State Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAE). However, the work ahead is extensive: we will need to organize a new location for the archive, restore and digitize it, which will require funding for the materials and labor involved in the preservation process.