Vision and Reality
Category: Conferences
4th IDC Bratislava – Sliac 1996
Universality and Heterogeneity
3rd IDC Barcelona 1994
Artistic Autonomy or Functional Determinism: The Dilemma of Form in Modern Architecture by Juan Antonio Cortés — Megaform and Landform as a Remedial Strategy by Kenneth Frampton — The Art of Building Cities by Antonio Monestiroli — The Selective Inventory of Modern Movement Works: Monuments vs. Ordinary Architecture by Gérard Monnier — The Division of Functions in the Modern City: The Debate Between CIAM and Team Ten by Dennis Sharp — The Problem and Myth of Technology in Modern Movement Architecture by Ignasi de Solà-Morales — The Critical Restoration of Modern Architecture by Bruno Reichlin
2nd IDC Dessau 1992
The Functionalist Dwelling, Successes and Failures: Model Werkbund Estates, Case Studies by Jadwiga Urbanik — Conceptions and Conflicts Regarding the Restoration and Renovation of the Settlement ‘Reform’ in Magdeburg by Winfried Brenne — The Phenomenon of ‘Modernity’ in Domestic Architecture by Erhard Schütz — The Essence of the Modern Movement by Ben Rebel — Conserving the 20th Century Architectural Heritage: Approaches to a Common Problem by Laura Tuominen — Swedish Modern Movement Architecture from the 1930s: Its Characteristics and How to Protect and Take Care of It by Eva Rudberg — Modern Movement Documentation as a Central Resource for Architectural Education by Ivor Richards & Catherine Cooke
1st IDC Eindhoven 1990
The first International Docomomo Conference took place from September 12-15, 1990 at TU Eindhoven.