In Memoriam – Jean-Louis Cohen, 1949-2023

Docomomo International is deeply saddened to hear the news of the passing of Jean-Louis Cohen on August 7, 2023. A renowned architectural critic, professor, and advocate of 20th century architecture preservation, he also held a crucial role in the scientific council of Docomomo and was an invaluable collaborator. Docomomo International extends condolences to Jean-Louis Cohen’s family, friends, and colleagues. Please find below the obituary from the chair of Docomomo France, Richard Klein:
“It is with great sadness that the members of Docomomo France learned of the death of Jean-Louis Cohen, which occurred on August 7, 2023. If knowledge of modern architecture and its preservation should be embodied by a figure, Jean-Louis Cohen would probably be a very fair incarnation. His role within the scientific council of the association, his unfailing commitment as well as his involvement in the reasoned defense of the heritage of 20th century architecture deserve the tribute of Docomomo France and the message of friendship that we pass on to his family and loved ones.
Richard Klein, Chair of Docomomo France“
Online resources:
Le Monde Obituary