CAAD Futures 2023: Open Calls
CAAD Futures 2023 is going to be held at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment in TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands – 5-7 July 2023.
The conference reflects on the role of computation to interconnect in and for Architectural Design. The theme is organized in three main streamlines: Interconnections across Knowledge Domains; Interconnections across Scales; Interconnections across Questions. Highlights are provided in the attached Flyer.
Two calls are open, a call for co-creation and a call for papers. The conference welcomes co-creation of content to be discussed and further developed at the conference, regarding “research urgencies” (emergent research priorities) relevant to the conference’s theme. It also welcomes paper submissions on thematic areas relevant to the conference’s theme.
The submission deadline for the co-creation Topic Proposals is approaching: 17 June 2022.
The submission deadline for the Abstracts is also approaching on the same date 17 June 2022 – while the Paper submission is due by 23 September 2022.
Additional information on the key topics of interest and on the submission process is available on the website.
Further details below.