New mandate at TU Delft

As of January 1st, 2022 the secretariat of DOCOMOMO International has moved to the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. Hosting the DOCOMOMO international headquarters fits neatly in the mission of the section Heritage & Architecture.
During the Tokio 2020+1 conference in September 2021, the 4-year mandate for the new chair and secretary general was officially granted to prof. Uta Pottgiesser and dr. Wido Quist. They will continue the important work of the DOCOMOMO International community in focussing on three important areas: digitization, education and sustainability.
The draft programme of actions is entitled “Multiple Modernities and Changing Perspectives” and is formulated to intensify DOCOMOMO’s presence in different media through existing programs and new initiatives, among which should be highlighted the following actions:
- Diversification of the international DOCOMOMO events;
- Fostering the educational network;
- Advancing the conservation of Modern Movement heritage.
During the first months of the mandate the different Working Parties as well as the International Specialist Committees and the Advisory Board will be consulted to further sharpen the programme of actions, to be presented at the Valencia 2022 DOCOMOMO International Conference.