23rd Docomomo Germany Conference
On the 29th of March the 23rd Docomomo Germany conference will take place. The conference theme is the interaction between education, training and the architecture of the modern movement.
Guests from Germany and abroad with academic, practical, activist and, of course, pedagogical backgrounds will provide an overview of the current status in the field of ‘Education – Modernity – Education’ in lectures, analyses, reflections, practical reports and designs, as well as the role that docomomo already plays in this context and can play in the future.

The Speakers’ Contributions are in German and English.
Michel Melenhorst and Janine Tüchsen, from the contextual design department of the Detmold School of Design, compiled the conference programme.
The Faculty of Architecture at Bochum University of Applied Sciences hosts the conference. The Bluebox, where the conference will take place, was built in 1963-65 as a temporary Mensa for the Ruhr University. Its design was strongly inspired by Mies van de Rohe’s Crown Hall for the IIT campus. After a brief use as a library, various interim uses and longer periods of vacancy, the building became 2001 the temporary, and 2011 the permanent Faculty of Architecture of the HS Bochum. An eventful life for an educational building.
On March 30th, there will be an excursion to the University of Bochum and other ‘Ruhrmodernen’ in the Bochum area.
The conference programme brochure and the registration for the conference and excursion can be found at this link: Registration and Programme .
The conference is a joint event organised by docomomo Deutschland e.V., TH-OWL, Detmold School of Design, and HS Bochum Faculty of Architecture.