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Sorted News by “ISCs“
ICOMOS ISC20C + Getty GCI webinar
ICOMOS ISC20C and Getty Conservation Institute webinar “Introducing the 20cHTF as a Tool for Identifying, Assessing and Celebrating Heritage Places” DOCOMOMO International is pleased to share the invitation from ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage (ISC20C) and the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) to the introductory webinar “Introducing the 20cHTF as a Tool for……
DOCOMOMO Manifesto on Education
DOCOMOMO Manifesto on Education During the closing ceremony of the 17th International DOCOMOMO Conference in Valencia, the DOCOMOMO Manifesto on Education was presented. Through this Manifesto, DOCOMOMO promotes a discussion on better education for Modern Movement heritage, embracing its cultural, ethical, and social ideas and values that are still relevant in 21st century society. The……