Heritage in danger : C&A shopping center, Namur, Belgium

The C&A shopping center by Léon Stynen and Paul De Meyer from 1969-1970 near Namur train station is threatened with demolition. The area around the Namur train station is a real entrance to the city, a place of transition to the historic center of Namur. On June 20, 2022, a development project located at Square Léopold, in the direct proximity of this station, in the Urban Remembrance Area (PRU) known as “Quartier Léopold”, was presented to the municipal authorities for approval. This project does not take into account the existing significant elements on this site, in particular the C&A building built in 1969/70 by the architects Léon Stynen and Paul De Meyer.
Read here the full text and sign the online petition for the preservation of this remarkable building:
Photo © VAI / Vlaams Architectuurinstituut / Archief Stynen & De Meyer