DOCOMOMO International has six International Specialist Committees (ISC) comprised of experts on Registers, Technology, Urbanism+Landscape, Education+Training, Interior Design, Publications working under DOCOMOMO International’s supervision. An ISC will consist of approximately five specialists of different countries as well as a chairperson appointed by the Council. If you wish to become a member of one of the ISCs, please contact the Chairpersons by email.


The DOCOMOMO ISC/Registers was created to engage national/regional chapters in the documentation of modern buildings and sites. Its mission is the development of an inventory of modern architecture, including both outstanding individual buildings and ‘everyday’ examples.

It has the following actual members:

Louise Noelle Gras (ISC Registers co-Chair, Docomomo Mexico), email:
Horacio Torrent (ISC Registers co-chair, Docomomo Chile)
Ana Tostões (Docomomo Portugal)
Celestino Garcia Braña (Docomomo Iberia)
Carolina Quiroga (Docomomo Argentina)
France Vanlaethem (Docomomo Quebec)
Henrieta Moravcikova (Docomomo Slovakia)
Louise Cox (Docomomo Australia)
Ruth Verde Zein (Docomomo Brazil)
Susana Landrove Bossut (Docomomo Iberia)
Lidwine Spoormans (Docomomo Netherlands)
Catherine Ettinger (Docomomo Mexico)

Please find here the Docomomo ISC/R Report (2018-2021) and Plan of Action (2021-2022) and the Guidelines for submitting the 2019/2020 Homework


The mission of the DOCOMOMO ISC/Technology is to promote documentation and conservation through studies of, and research into, technology, and into the material qualities of modern architecture. The committee organizes seminars; it also supports and participates in workshops related to the technology of modern buildings.

It has the following actual members:

Rui Humberto Costa de Fernandes Póvoas (co-Chair, Docomomo Portugal) email:
Kyle Normandin (co-Chair, Docomomo USA)
Robert Loader (Docomomo UK)
Carsten Herrmann (Docomomo Scotland)
Emmanuelle Gallo (Docomomo France)
Franz Graf (Docomomo Switzerland)
Giulia Marino (Docomomo Switzerland)
Iva Stoyanova (Docomomo Bulgaria)
Iveta Cerna (Docomomo Czech Republic)
Jack Pyburn (Docomomo USA)
Jadwiga Urbanik (Docomomo Poland)
Jong Soung Kimm (Docomomo Korea)
Jos Tomlow (Docomomo Germany)
Ola Wedebrunn (Docomomo Denmark)
Rémi Wei-Chou (Docomomo Taiwan)
Susan MacDonald (Docomomo Australia/USA)
Tapani Mustonen (Docomomo Finland)
Theodore Prudon (Docomomo USA)
Wessel de Jonge (Docomomo The Netherlands)
Catherine Blain (Docomomo France)

Please find here the DOCOMOMO ISC/T Report (2018-2021), DOCOMOMO ISC/Technology Dossiers are also available online here.

ISC/Urbanism & Landscape

The mission of the DOCOMOMO ISC/Urbanism+Landscape is to promote research, documentation and protection of modern ensembles and environments, as opposed to individual ‘setpiece’ monuments. In practice, our current work focuses almost exclusively on research and documentation.

It has the following actual members:

Ola Uduku (ISC Urbanism + Landscape Chair, Docomomo Ghana)
Miles Glendinning (ISC Urbanism + Landscape Vice Chair, Docomomo Scotland),
Andrew Saniga (Docomomo Australia)
Hannah Lewi (Docomomo Australia)
Henrieta Moravcikova (Docomomo Slovakia)
Jan Haenraets (Docomomo Scotland)
Karina van Herck (Docomomo Belgium)
Melinda Benko (Docomomo Hungary)
Zara Ferreira (Docomomo Portugal)
Umberto Bonomo (Docomomo Chile)
Emmanuel Ofori-Sarpong (Docomomo Ghana)

Please find here the DOCOMOMO ISC/U+L Report (2018-2021) and Plan of Action  (2021-2022).

ISC/Education & Training

The DOCOMOMO ISC/Education+Training has the mission of educating to protect “by prevention”. This means to preserve not by action-reaction to specific threats, but by creating a general awareness and appreciation of modern buildings in the younger generation, general public and the society at large. The workshops in the framework of the DOCOMOMO International Conferences are increasingly successful and prove that young people like to be involved in assignments concerning modern heritage. The ISC on Education and Training would like to provide these young people the possibility to excel in the Documentation and Conservation of modern heritage.

It has the following actual members:

Andrea Canziani (ISC/Education+Training Chair, Docomomo Italy), email:
Daniela Arnaut (ISC/Education+Training Secretary, Docomomo Iberia)
Daniela Arnaut (ISC/Education+Training Secretary, Docomomo Iberia)
Grazyna Hryncewicz-Lamber (Docomomo Poland)
Ana Tostões (Docomomo Portugal)
Aneta Vasilieva (Docomomo Bulgaria)
Carolina Quiroga (Docomomo Argentina)
Gonçalo Canto Moniz (Docomomo Portugal)
Theodore Prudon (Docomomo USA)
Vincenzo Riso (Docomomo Iberia)
Claudio Galeno (Docomomo Chile)
Michel Melenhorst (Docomomo Germany)
Junko Taguchi (Docomomo Japan)

Please find here the DOCOMOMO ISC/E+T Report (2018-2021) and Plan of Action (2021-2022) 

ISC/Interior Design

The DOCOMOMO ISC/Interior Design focus on Interior Design, an issue of major relevance for the Modern Movement and Modern Living. Interior Design gives us important spatial, ideological and aesthetic information necessary for a full awareness and experiencing of Modernity. The Modern Movement considered Interior Design as being in close relation with architecture and the other arts. This implied the demand for a new aesthetics in response to new technology and a need for a total work that embraces all the expressions into a unitary (and also utopian) environment for humanity. The Modern Interiors’ identity is characterized by a strong and coherent style which results from a unity between architecture, furniture, design, decorative arts, utilitarian objects, equipment, textiles and light.

It has the following actual members:

Bárbara Coutinho (ISC/Interior Design Co-Chair, Docomomo Portugal), email:
Zsuzsanna Böröcz (ISC/Interior Design Co-Chair, Docomomo Belgium), email:
Marta Peixoto (ISC/Interior Design Secretary, Docomomo Brazil)
Eva Storgaard (Docomomo Belgium)
Ana Tostões (Docomomo Portugal)
Deniz Hasirci (Docomomo Turkey)
Els De Vos (Docomomo Belgium)
Johan Örn (Docomomo Denmark, Sweden)
Marc Dubois (Docomomo Belgium)
Mariël Polman (Docomomo The Netherlands)
Milena Kordic (Docomomo Serbia)
Silvia Segarra (Docomomo Mexico)
Zara Ferreira (Docomomo Portugal)
Anita Puig (Docomomo Chile)

Please find here the DOCOMOMO ISC/ID Report (2018-2021) and Plan of Action (2021-2022) and more details at the DOCOMOMO Belgium website


In order to have more coordination between the ISC’s and other DOCOMOMO bodies regarding publications, the Advisory Board unanimously agreed on the creation of a DOCOMOMO International ISC/Publications, integrating all the ISC chairs and the DOCOMOMO International Chair. This may concern their content and editing status (indexed) but also the use of funding and external resources and the contacts with publishing houses.

It has the following actual members:

Ana Tostões (Docomomo Portugal)
Uta Pottgiesser (Docomomo International Chair)
Louise Noelle Gras (ISC Registers co-Chair, Docomomo Mexico)
Horacio Torrent (ISC Registers co-Chair, Docomomo Chile)
Kyle Normandin (ISC/Technology co-chair, Docomomo US)
Rui Póvoas, ISC/Technology co-chair, Docomomo Portugal)
Miles Glendinning (ISC Urbanism + Landscape co-Chair, Docomomo Scotland)
Ola Uduku (ISC Urbanism + Landscape co-Chair, Docomomo Ghana)
Andrea Canziani (ISC/Education+Training Chair, Docomomo Italy)
Bárbara Coutinho (ISC/Interior Design Co-Chair, Docomomo Portugal)
Zsuzsanna Böröcz (ISC/Interior Design Co-Chair, Docomomo Belgium)