Happy 2022

Dear DOCOMOMO friends and community,
A Happy New Year 2022 from Delft.
We are sending our wishes to all of you: the national chapters and their teams, the partners, the institutional and individual members. We are looking forward to continue working with you and to support your local, regional, national and international activities. The next 17thInternational DOCOMOMO Conference will take place in Valencia and we hope to meet many of you in September.
DOCOMOMO International has moved from Lisbon to Delft and presents a new website. Although with a similar appearance it contains some significant changes and offers the concept of Open Access to present, communicate and distribute the tremendous work that has been done by DOCOMOMO community over the last three decades. This will result in offering the DOCOMOMO Technology Dossiers for download and in creating an own website for the DOCOMOMO Journal as Open Access Journal. Please share your events and activities with us to be published in the News area.
You can still find a link to the old website with all content developed under Ana Tostoes’ mandate here. We thank Ana Tostoes and her team for their engagement and efforts made during the last 12 years.
Take care and Best regards,
Uta Pottgiesser
docomomo International Chair
Wido Quist
docomomo Secretary General