DJ 2023: Most viewed articles of the year

Docomomo International published two new journals in 2023. Both journals are sent out in print to the Docomomo International members in December 2023. Since several years the Docomomo Journals is Open Access available to all, so are the 2023 issues: #68 on Middle Class Mass Housing and #69 on Shared Heritage Africa.
We are incredibly proud that currently the online Docomomo Journal has 483 articles to be viewed and/or downloaded. The website was very well visited in 2023 with an average of over 250 views (abstracts and pdf’s) per day. The website and the journal is well indexed by Google Scholar and Scopus.
Just before the end of the year we want to draw your attention to the most viewed articles of the year. The table shows the top 15: an interesting collection of papers covering a wide range of Modern Movement topics. Enjoy reading and don’t hesitate to browse through all the other valuable contributions.