Architecture and Transculturation: Transatlantic Connections | 2022

The event Architecture and Transculturation: Transatlantic Connections | 2022 intends to promote knowledge about the exchanges of ideas and people in the field of Architecture and Urbanism between Brazil, South America, Europe and Africa.
The event, in its third edition, arose from the importance of giving visibility to the research activities on the theme and potentiating its discussion within the scope of the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism and Design at UFC (PPGAU+D-UFC).
This is a promotion of the Laboratory for Criticism in Architecture, Urbanism and Urbanization (LoCAU) of PPGAU+D-UFC, in partnership with the Department of Architecture (DARQ) and the Center for Social Studies (CES) of Coimbra University.
It will also feature lectures by professors/researchers from UFC (Brazil), University of Coimbra (Portugal), ISCTE (Portugal), University Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique), UFCG (Brazil), UNICAMP (Brazil) and University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), in addition to support from DOCOMOMO Brasil, Institute of Architects of Brazil – Ceará Department (IAB-CE), Atelier de Patrimonio Cultural (APC) and the International Council of Portuguese-Speaking Architects (CIALP).
There will be six webinars, with speakers and mediators from Brazil, South America, Europe and Africa.
Between 11|21 and 12|19
at 2:30pm (BrasÃlia time)
on the youtube channel of PPGAU+D.