Dear Docomomo friends and colleagues,

Docomomo International would like to kindly remind all Chapters that they are invited to contribute with fiches to our 2024 Homework, which will result in the new book on Modernism. Fulfilling the Docomomo Homework, and having a minimum number of registered members gives the Chapters a voting right at the Docomomo Council Meeting, scheduled on December 12 under the 18th IDC in Chile. You are invited to register your attendance, and to start preparations for the Council Meeting.

During the Council Meeting in Chile we will also discuss the 2028 International Docomomo Conference – the 20th IDC. Docomomo Chapters interested in organizing the 20th IDC are welcome to submit their letters of intent by 30 September 2024. Furthermore, we would like to receive application outlines by 31 October 2024. This way we can discuss and vote on the 20th IDC at the Council Meeting in December, giving an ample preparatory period to the future organizing committee. We look forward to receiving your preliminary proposals with great enthusiasm!