Student Workshop Valencia 2022
September 1st – September 5th

Preceding the 17th International Docomomo Conference in Valencia in 2022, a student workshop was organized by the Valencia School of Architecture of the Universitat Politècnica de València and the Docomomo International ISC/E&T.
The workshop was organised under the title: A modern utopia -Design as a tool for the conservation and reuse of modern heritage. It dealt with the search for social, economic and environmental sustainability of one of the most important examples of modern architecture in Spain, as is the Cheste Workers University designed by the architect Fernando Moreno Barberá, which as a part of modern heritage, is facing a serious risk of abandonment and actions that may undermine its architectural values.
The objective was to attract the knowledge and ideas of young professionals and students from different disciplines as Architecture, Design, Art, Cultural Management, Economics or Sociology, for thinking collectively about the possible futures of these architectures, and for which it is a challenge and also an opportunity, to find the uses and design interventions that allow it to be preserved and used in a manner consistent with its values and its heritage importance. To this end, three themes were proposed:
- SOS Modern Heritage. Design scenarios for Modern Heritage Management.
- Modern Design Notebook. An approach to design at 1:1 scale.
- Cut-out architectures. Models as educational resources for the dissemination of architecture.