Shared Heritage Africa – Kampala exhibition

On Friday 18th of February, 2023 the photo exhibition of the Shared Heritage Africa project was opened at the School of Arts and Industrial Design of Kyambogo University in Kampala, Uganda.
The thematic approaches of the research fellows featured in the middle of the exhibition space, surrounded by large size prints of selected photographs by the fellows. All images were taken during the SHA-workshops in Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda and Uganda. The exhibition was developed by the fellows and mentors in close cooperation with students of the School of Arts and Industrial Design.
Together with approximately 100 visitors and creators, DOCOMOMO International joined this exhibition opening, emphasizing the importance of DOcumentation of the rediscovered Modern Heritage.
More results of the project will feature in the upcoming DOCOMOMO Journal and in an exhibition in Frankfurt during the yearly DOCOMOMO Germany event!
More information about the project on