10th International Docomomo Conference
Rotterdam 2008

The 10th International Docomomo Conference was organised by Docomomo Netherlands and took place in September 2008.
The programme of the 2008 International Docomomo Conference included paper, case study and poster presentations. In addition, it contained Round-table Sessions – interactive discussion and debate meetings in small groups – and hosted the second edition of the International Docomomo Student Workshop.
Original papers were presented under the following sub-themes:
• Change and Continuity
• Restructuring Cities and Landscape
• Shifts in Programme and Flexibility
• Education in Transformation
• Technology, Progress and Sustainability
The venue of the conference was the Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek in Rotterdam and the opening was held at the Faculty of Architecture of TU Delft.
The main theme of the 2008 International Docomomo Conference focused on the manifold challenges and dilemmas of change and continuity of the architecture of the Modern Movement. This architecture was always future-oriented and had a firm and optimistic belief in the possibilities of progress. Although nowadays the achievements may still appeal to us, the buildings of the twentieth century in fact belong to the past and have become eligible for listing and preservation. This evolution has created the paradox of the modern monument and has raised questions of principle concerning the issues of conservation, renovation and transformation of modern buildings. It brings on revisiting the ideals and key concepts of the Modern Movement, which cannot always be matched with the acts of reconstruction that are an integral part of the practices of conservation, renovation and transformation.

The programme can be downloaded here (pdf).
The book of abstracts can be downloaded here (pdf).
The proceedings have been published with IOS Press and are available here.