7th International Iconic Houses Conference – Icons of Czech Avantgarde: Authenticity & Style Diversity

Docomomo International is pleased to announce that the 7th International Iconic Houses Conference will take place in the Czech Republic on 22-26 May 2023. Get your Early Bird tickets before 15 January!
ICONIC HOUSES includes in the Czech Republic eleven beautiful modern house museums, including, of course Villa Müller in Prague and Villa Tugendhat in Brno. In addition to visiting 16 iconic houses, including a number of Loos interiors in Pilsen, you can also look forward to lectures by the leading expert on Czech architecture Professor Vladimír Šlapeta and Adolf Loos specialist Professor Burkhardt Rukschcio, as well as 16 other short presentations on various house museums, masterpieces and hidden gems. For individual members and donors of Iconic Houses there is an exclusive post-conference field trip via Vienna to Ljubljana in Slovenia fore an extensive introduction to the work of Jože Plečnik, ending in Venice where you can visit the Architecture Biennale on your own initiative.
Registration and full program can be found on the conference website.