Docomomo International 1988-2012: Key Papers in Modern Architectural Heritage Conservation (472p.)
Publisher: China Architecture & Building Press
Editors: Ana Tostões and Liu Kecheng
Language: English and Chinese
ISBN: 978-7-112-16848-4
Chapter One: History of Docomomo International
Introduction by Huber-Jan Henket
Controversy between Functionalism and Restoration: Keep Zonnestraal for Eternity as a Ruin by Wessel Reinink
The Issue of Transitoriness in Modern Architecture by Hilde Heynen
MOMO’s Second Chance – the Revaluation of the Urban Housing by John Allan
What Happened? Fourteen Years of Docomomo by Wessel de Jonge
From Sentiment to Science-Docomomo Comes of Age by Johan Allan
Chapter Two: Practice of Docomomo International
Critical Restoration of Modern Architecture by Bruno Reichlin
The Icon and the Ordinary by Huber-Jan Henket
Technical Response to Typical Conservation Problems or Architecture in England aafter the Warcurrent Research a Case Studies from English Heritage by Susan MacDonald
Professional Reception vs. Cultural Context – For Whom do We Preserve the Architecture of the Modern Movement? By Anja Kervanto Nevanlinna
Docomomo US an Change in Preservation in America by Theodore H.M. Prudon, Helene Lippstadt
The Original Intention-Intention of the Original? Remarks on the Importance of Materiality Regarding the Presevation of the Tugendhat House and Other Buildings of Modernism by Ivo Hammer
Reconstructing the Philips Pavilion, Brussels 1958 Elements for a Critical Assessment by Sven Sterken
The Cubanacan Art Schools Rehabilitated by Universo Garia Lorenzo
Modern Architecture is Durable: Using Change to Preserve by Maristella Casciato
Conservation Challenges at Frank Lloyd Whright’s Solomon r. Guggenheim Museum by Angel Ayon, Pamela Jerome
Summarizing Report on Discussion “Docomomo” Register
Proposal on the Docomomo Register Report on Session “National Registers”
Remarks on the Occasion of the “Docomomo Japan: the 100 Selections” Exhibition by Hiroyuki Suzuki
Aims and Themes of the Docomomo Registers by Maristella Casciato
The Selective Inventory of the Modern-Movement Works: Monuments vs. Ordinary Architecture by Gerard Monnier
Chapter Three: Modern Architecture and Cultural Heritage
Modern Movement and the the World Heritage List The Docomomo ISC/Registers Recommendation to ICOMOS
The Challenge of Authenticity for the Modern Architecture and Heritage by France Vanlaethem
UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre and the Programme on Modern Heritage by Francesco Bandarin
How Should the Basic Requirements of the World Heritage List Be Interpreted in the Case of the Modern Architecture? By Jukka Jokilehto
The Madrid Document: Intervention Approaches for the Twentieth Century Architectural Heritage by Sheridan Burke
Chapter Four: Cities and the Modern Movement
Rome, the City of the Future in the Lessons of the History: Typological Models and Strategies of Intervention by MariaLetizia Conforto
The Modern City Facing the Future by Allen Cunningham Living the Urban Modernity towards the Future by Ana Tostoes
Modern and Green: Heritage, Energy and Economy by Franz Graf, Giulia Marino
Megaform and Landform as A Remedial Strategy by Kenneth Frampton
Chapter Five: Understanding Modern Movement in Different Contexts
The Modern Movement Put into A Different Context by Hiroyasu Fujioka
Kunio Maekawa’s “Technical Approach” to the Creation of the Modern Japanese Architecture by Hiroshi Matsukuma
Back from Utopia: the Challenge of the Modern Movement by Hubert-Jan Henket
Guide of “The 13th International Docomomo Conference, Seoul, 2014”
“Expansion and Conflict” of them Modern Movement (MoMo) and Conservation in Japan by Kenji Watanabe
Inheritance, Intervations, Interpretation & Integrations: A Critical Appraisal of the Modernism in the Context of Indian Architecture by Yantin Pandya