Conservation Management Plan. Achievements and Possibilities – Zoom Talk

DOCOMOMO International is pleased to announce the Zoom Talk event Conservation Management Plan. Achievements and Possibilities, which is organized in cooperation with Bundesdenkmalamt Austria, and IDS. The event will take place on 19th January 2023, 5 pm to 8 pm CET. Please register here.
The Conservation Management Plan (CMP) was developed 40 years ago and has been received with a lot of enthusiasm ever since. After introducing the tool and its history, current use cases will be presented and attendees will hear about the state of conservation management in Europe. The evening will be concluded with a discussion about the future use of Conservation Management Plans (CMP) in the field of documenting and conserving the heritage of the modern movement in architecture.
For details on the topic and the speakers, please click here!
Photo – Villa Rezek, Vienna (c) Maximilian Eisenköck